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A sociopath is somone who has anti-social tendencies, or, to put it smply, doesn't wnt to communicate with anyone very much and has little interest in relationships, long-term or short-term.

DF04/09 Wrong. Antisocial tendencies are defined as disruptive and criminal behaviour adverse to society and social cohesion. Not a lack of interest in communication; the latter would be schizoid personality disorder.

A narcissist is someone who obsess over themselves. The word "narcissistic" is derived from the "Narcissus" a boy with the same condition.

Classic Greek story, that was. People fall in love with self-obsessed boy, boy sees his reflection, boy falls in love with reflection, boy falls in water and dies.

A sociopath with narcissistic tendencies is not "TROUBLE!" as the last user decided to say, but they could be a problem in the future, as their refusal to communicate much would be a major roadblock.

Wrong again. A sociopath with narcissitic characteristics would be cold, callous, unempathic, unremorseful AND full of themselves. They would be manipulative, needy for narcissistic feedback and in addition have no remorse for any of their actions.

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Q: What is a sociopath with narcissistic characteristics?
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A good actor. Though you cannot be sure if they are truly a sociopath or not until they have been diagnosed as such. If they honestly care about people then I would look along the narcissistic route. If they are a sociopath, then the caring is most likely an act so that they can get what they want.

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Yes, it is. Many sociopaths are narcissistic by nature (i.e. caring about themselves to an extreme). Munchausen's syndrome is related to narcissism, as it is focused on attention-getting. Most sociopaths do not have Munchausen's, but most people with Munchausen's are probably sociopaths (or at least narcissists).

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If the sociopath thinks he can bleed more out of you than his wife, that's all it will take. Sociopaths have no interest in what you want, only in what they can get. By definition they have no conscience or respect for other people's feelings, and the condition is untreatable. The important question is, what is wrong with YOU that you desire a relationship with a sociopath?

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Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Psychopathy can be -- and often are -- components of child abuse. They are both clinically-defined conditions with certain criteria that must be met in order for a diagnosis to be made.

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There is nothing you can do. this is causedby a damaged brain .the brain pathways are dead ends . at birth until teen years you can probably make the connection for the brain to fire right by lots of love and teaching . lies are a key you also must teach them honesty .dysfunctional family's do not have a chance. written by frank lombardi

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What is a sentence with the word sociopath?

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