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Q: What is a solvent used to make extracts derived from the ancient language of lunar astrology?
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What word derived from the ancient language of lunar astrology is also the solvent used to make extracts?

i think its menstrum... :)

The word ethics is derived from which language?

Ethics is a borrowing from Ancient Greek.

What ancient civilization's writing system was derived from the Etruscans?

The Latin language and its alphabet.

Did ancient Greeks write in English?

No. The ancient Greek did not use the English language. Because there was no English language in that time. English language derived from Latin which was the official language of Roman Empire and the Roman Empire is the successor of ancient Greek the golden age of Greece.

What is Germans source language?

As with English, there are many source languages, but mainly German is derived from Latin, Ancient Greek and Ancient Germanic.

A language from which modern-day Hindi is derived?

Sanskrit is the ancient language from which modern-day Hindi is derived. Over time, Hindi evolved from Sanskrit through various influences from other languages like Persian and Arabic.

What languages is the Greek language made of?

It derived from the ancient Doric and Attik dialects, and evolved to include the Byzantine.

Did ancient Greeks use the same words as Americans?

In a word, no, although many modern English words are derived from ancient Greek words, and both Greek and English are ultimately derived from the same ancient language, known today as Proto-Indo-European.

What does CHEE HEE mean?

an exclamatory phrase announcing happiness or glee, derived from an unknown ancient language spoken in Pukalani

What does the word auma mean?

Auma, is not an English word. It is derived from Hinduism (and the ancient Sanskrit language), where it refers to the spirit or the soul.

Is Hungarian language derived from the German language?

No, Hungarian is not derived from the German language. It really comes from the Finnish language.

Is Russian a romance language?

No, Russian is not a Romance language. It belongs to the Slavic language family, which is distinct from Romance languages like French, Spanish, and Italian.