

What is a sort a to z?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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12y ago

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It sorts things in alphabetical order starting from A, or in numerical order starting from the lowest number.

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Select the data you want to sort. On the Sort option, which is on the Home ribbon, click on the A-Z button and choose the order to sort as A to Z.

In excel 2013 Which button can you use to sort your text alphabetically from A to Z or if you're sorting numbers from smallest to largest?

The sort button, which normally has A and Z on it and arrows indicating things can be sorted in either way.

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When you sort numbers from largest to smallest, or sort text from Z to A (in reverse alphabetical order).

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For alphabetical, Ascending is Z->A and Descending is A->Z

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Highlight a range that has text and select sort. You can sort either up (A first) or down (Z first).

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It is often called a "descending" sort.

What button do you use to put data in a specific order?

The sort buttons. You can use them to sort in ascending order or descending order. One has A above Z with a down arrow enabling you to sort in ascending order. The other has Z above A with a down arrow enabling you to sort in descending order. Once your data is selected, you can click the appropriate button to do the sort you want.

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You will be sorting. So an up or down arrow is the symbol used, depending on which way you want to sort, such like A to Z or Z to A order.

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Arranging from smaller to larger. From A to Z From 1 to infinite numbers ..

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Select the data you want to sort. Then use the Sort option, picking A to Z for ascending order or Z to A for descending order. You can choose which columns to sort by and even to do primary and secondary sorts, like sorting first by surname and then by first name.