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txt features

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Q: What is a special formated text called?
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What do you mean by preformatted?

it means already formated, formations can be bold, italic text and so on read article below answer on related links

Does Christianity have a special sacred text?

Yes, it is called 'The Holy Bible.'

What are characters called in Microsoft Excel?

A possible answer is text, numbers, and special characters.

Can the droid phone text?

Yes. You can text either using the tap screen, the slide-out keyboard, or the special function where you speak into the phone and whatever you say goes into the text (its called "Voice-texting")

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Can A text field may contain numbers text and special characters?


What is the program called that provides text editing and special HTML editing features?

If you want a rich text editor (used inside a website) you can use CKEditor or tinymce (google it to find downloads and a howto)

What are special effects that add action to text and graphics so they move around on the screen during a slide show?

They are called animations.

What is is called when a special place in the computer's memory that allows you to collect text and graphic items from an Office document and then paste them into any Office document?


How can you are formated tothe Nokia phone7610 modal?

I can be do if the modal ofthe nokia was

What is the so-called founding technology of HTML?

hyper text markup language tags are instruction that are embedded directly into the text of the document.An HTML is the language interpreted by a browser.Web page are also called HTML document. HTML is a set of special codes that can be embedded in text to add formatting and linking information.HTML is specified as tags in a HTML document.