

What is a species name?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is a species name?
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What is a species identifier?

A species name is a scientific name with two parts: the genus name followed by the species identifier. It is written in italics with the genus name capitalized. (The human species name is Homo sapiens. The species identifier is the second part of the species name (and it's lower-case)

What does the scienntific name of species involve?

The Genus name + species name

What is the platypus's species name?

The species name of the platypus is ornithorhyncus.

What is the species name for a mink?

the species name for a mink is link

Is the scientific name of a species consist of a family name and a descriptive name?

No, the scientific name of a species consists of a genus name and a species name. The genus name is capitalized and both names are italicized when written.

How many species can have the same scientific name?

A scientific name can only refer to one species. The scientific name consists of two parts: the genus name and the species name. This binomial nomenclature system is used to uniquely identify each species.

What species are humans a member?

The species name for humans is sapiens. Our genus-species name is Homo sapiens.

What part of a scientific name is the same for similar species?

The genus name is the part of a scientific name that is the same for similar species. It represents a group of closely related species that share certain characteristics.

What is the species name of a worker bee?

A worker bee is not a species, it is a caste within a species, so its species name is the same as the colony to which it belongs.

The species name for a raven?

the species name for a COMMON RAVEN is Corvus corax

What is the first letter of every species name?

The first letter of every species stands for the genus name of the species. The genus name must always be capitalized, and the entire name must be underlined or in italics.

Is the genus species name for African lion Panthera leo?

Yes, the genus species name for the African lion is Panthera leo.