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Q: What is a squirrel and a hare mixed together called?
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What is spring hare?

It is a rodent that stand on it's hind legs, like a kangaroo, and has large, strong feet. The Spring Hare's head looks like a squirrel's, and it has a long, fluffy, tail with a black tip. It's about the size of a squirrel too.

Who is the author of the hare and the lion?

there is no book called the hare and the tortoise but there is a book called the tortoise and the hare

What is a male hare called?

A male hare is called a buck or a jack

What is a female doe animal called?

A doe is a female deer or antelope (or rabbit, hare, hamster, mouse, squirrel, gerbil, giraffe)

What is the younger one of hare?

A young hare is called a leveret

Why is the Arctic hare called that?

THe arctic hare live tundra

What is the name hare hare yukai anime?

hare hare yukai is the ending song of an anime called "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"

What is a male brat called?

it is called a hare

What is the name of a hare called?

Hare, rabbit, bunny. Aren't they all the same?

A kind of rabbit with four letters?

The name for a rabbit that has four letters is called a hare. Hares generally have long ears and are fast runners.

What is the word for a young hare?

A young hare is called a leveret.

Is a young hare called a jack?

They are called Leverets