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I think the term you're looking for is "regular variable."

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Q: What is a star that becomes dimmer at regular intervals?
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Cooler and Dimmer

What do you call a star that is bigger then a regular one?

first its called the main sequence star like the sun then it becomes a red giant then it becomes a red super giant and if it is huge a hyper-giant like VY Canis Majoris (largest star known) then it explodes and it becomes a planetary nebula then it becomes a white dwarf

Are stars cooler than the sun brighter or dimmer?

a sun is a star so it would be considered both dimmer .

A bright star can appear dimmer than a less bright star if the bright star is?

Farther away!

How can a star give off the most light and not be the brightest in the sky?

How bright a star appears depends on both its actual brightness and how far away it is. The farther away a star is, the dimmer it appears. A bright but very distant star many therefore appear dimmer than a less bright star that is closer to us.

Is a star a regular polygon?

Yes. A star is a regular polygon.

How is star matter recycled?

a star explodes or becomes a white dwarf, then the matter of that star becomes other things.

What role do binary stars play in eclipsing binaries?

The dimmer, secondary star passes in front of the brigher primary star, dimming it.

Why venus called evening star?

Venus is closer to the Sun than we are, so it always appears close to the Sun in the sky. At times when it sets after the Sun, it is called the Evening Star. It becomes brighter and brighter as it catches up with us in its orbit, and finally it moves round in front of the Sun and disappears in the glare. A few weeks later is reappers as a morning star, rising before sunrise. It's bright at first and then it gradually becomes dimmer and disappears behind the Sun. Venus the Evening Star will be visible in early 2014.

What is the difference between a star that becomes a red giant and one that becomes a red supergaint?

The mass of the star.

How a star becomes a star?

I don't know u answer it

How is a red dwarf different from your sun?

A red dwarf star is smaller, dimmer, and cooler than our sun.