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A state of impaired awareness in which the mind and senses are dulled to environmental stimuli is known as stupor. This may be as a result of brain injury or psychological interference.

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Q: What is a state of impaired awareness in which the mind and senses are dulled to environmental stimuli?
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What is the state of impaired awareness in which the mind and senses are dulled to environmental stimuli?

A state of impaired consciousness marked by a lack of response is known as being unconscious.

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Our brains are used to stimulus (Or actions) that effect us and we take them in as electrochemicals and pay attention. However, over time, based on the person, the brain eventually dulls the stimuli, to prevent constant stimuli (The same stimuli, like the radio) from diverting attention. So yes, it is. A good example is when you get into the car and turn on the radio, in 5 minutes or so it might seem a bit quiet, so you may turn it up. Then in another 5 minutes, it gets even more quiet so you turn it up again. Eventually you get to your destination & do whatever you do, and return to the car. When you put the radio on again, it will seem extremely loud. Why? Because your brain dulled down the response. A good way to combat this is to doodle. Lack of attention can cause daydreaming by the brain for something to do, and doodling helps you stop daydreaming, getting bored, and losing interest. It adds something new to your incoming signals of stimuli, therefore your brain will "pay attention."

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Rites are too interrupted. Rites are so much more dulled