

What is a story about Hermes?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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Hermes aided Perseus in killing the gorgon (Medusa) by giving Perseus his winged sandals and telling him to find the Gray Sisters so they could direct him to the nymphs of the North. When he reached the nymphs they would give him Zeus' sword, Hades' helmet, and Athena's shield.

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What is the story about Hermes?

The Story of Hermes is told in the book "Hermes the Olympian" a book by David Rosser, available on In this story, David collects all of the known myths about the winged messenger of Zeus and puts them together in a coherent tale, explaining that Hermes is actually the Hero of the Olympians. The story of Hermes does not end when the tales of the Olympians are told no more because Hermes is pretty special. There are more books being written by David about Hermes in the series called "Trismegistus" which should be available in the next year or so.

What did Hermes?

Hermes did plenty of things. He has a big part to play in Homer's story of the Odyssey. You can read much more about the collection of things that he did in story form, in "Hermes the Olympian" a book by David Rosser, available on Amazon.

What is Mercury's Greek name and story?

Hermes the messanger

What was Hermes story?

The whole story of Hermes' birth is too big an answer for this online resource, but you can find it written in "Hermes the Olympian" a novel by David Rosser, available on Amazon. The basic "facts" are that Zeus was his Father and Maia was Hermes' mother. He was born in a cave on mount Cyllene in Arcadia on the fourth day of the month.

Who is Hermes and what is his mission in the story of odyssey?

Hermes is the messenger god and is helping odysseus get home by bringing him gifts and giving him information on what he has to do.

What was Hermes birth story?

The whole story of Hermes' birth is too big an answer for this online resource, but you can find it written in "Hermes the Olympian" a novel by David Rosser, available on Amazon. The basic "facts" are that Zeus was his Father and Maia was Hermes' mother. He was born in a cave on mount Cyllene in Arcadia on the fourth day of the month.

What happened to Hermes?

Nothing. He's a God. End of story.

What was sinister about Hermes in Pandora box story?

Hesiod writes: And in her breast, Hermes the messenger, created lies; deceiving words, a deceitful heart.

What weapons did Hermes use?

According to some of the ancient Greek hymns which refer to Hermes in battle, they tell of his golden dagger. You can read more about this in "Hermes the Olympian" a story available on Hermes used his wits far more than any weapon.

What is eros' story?

He was born by Aphrodite. His father was probably Ares, or possibly Hermes.

Why did Hermes steal Apollo's cows?

Not all the time. Click link below, then choose Hermes from menu. The cow-stealing story is in the second paragraph.