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Q: What is a strength and weakness of Behavioral therapies such as systematic desensitization and the behavioral approach?
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The tequnique of using cognitive and behavioral therapies together teat disorders called?

CBT (Cognitive-behavioral therapy)

What general treatments are prescribed for bulimics?

A combination of drug and behavioral therapies is commonly used.

whats the difference between cognitive behavioral therapy and behavioral therapy?

Unlike psychodynamic therapies, it does not focus on uncovering or understanding the unconscious motivations that may be behind the maladaptive behavior.

What is the treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder?

Medication along with supportive and cognitive-behavioral therapies.

How is Tourette syndrome managed?

Management of TS requires integration of behavioral, psychological and sometimes pharmacologic (medication) therapies

How do doctors treat bulimia nervosa?

Early treatment of bulimia with a combination of drug and behavioral therapies is necessary to prevent serious health consequences.

What is the most common meth treatment?

The most effective treatment at this time are behavioural therapies such as cognitive behavioral and contingency management interventions. For example, the Matrix Model, a behavioral treatment approach that combines behavioral therapy, family education, individual counseling, 12-Step support, drug testing, and encouragement for nondrug-related activities, has been shown to be effective in reducing methamphetamine abuse.

What causes depression, and how can it be treated?

There are absolutely ways to treat depression without drugs or hospitalization. The most effective method would be any number of varying therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy.

What is the prognosis of paraphilia?

most workers in the field are not convinced that they have a high degree of success. Once a diagnosis is established,appropriate education about possible behavioral therapies and appropriate use of psychopharmacological agents can improve the prognosis.

How is retinal detachment treated in alternative medicine?

some alternative therapies such as behavioral optometry prescribe eye relaxation exercises and use techniques that attempt to prevent and naturally heal myopia (near-sightedness).

What therapies which are sometimes called talk therapies try to help patients understand the thoughts emotions and motives that underlie their difficulties?

Psychoanalytic therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy are examples of talk therapies that help patients explore and understand their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. These therapies aim to uncover underlying factors that contribute to a person's difficulties and promote self-awareness and insight for personal growth and change.

What alternative therapies are effective in treating menstrual disorders?

Effective treatments other than medications include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), aerobic exercise, and dietary supplements containing calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6.