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Q: What is a strong lasting feeling of dislike toward someone for a real or imagined wrong?
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What is a strong dislike?

A strong dislike is a feeling of intense aversion or hostility towards something or someone. It can lead to negative emotions and behaviors, often causing discomfort or resentment.

What did Hitler mean by Hate is more lasting than dislike?

He meant that disliking someone is close to indifference and not actually caring about them but if you hate someone with all of your heart not only will you do everything within your power to destroy them but this feeling of hate will never go away as it now controls you.

What is the word mean to dislike of somebody or something?

The word is "dislike." It refers to a feeling of distaste or aversion towards someone or something.

What does hate mean?

dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towardsthe emotion of intense dislike; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action1. The emotion of hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action. 2. Dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towardsanger;strong,verbal abuise;a powerful word.

What is the meaning of the idiom nurse a grudge?

To nurse a grudge is to have a long lasting feeling of resentment over a slight, or insult, etc, someone did to you.

What is a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility?

That feeling is typically referred to as animosity. It involves a strong dislike or hatred towards someone or something, often resulting in actively hostile behavior or attitude.

What is hate about?

Hate is all about dislike, not wanting, feeling bad and just totally not needing something which already exists. If someone does not want/like someone then its most probarbly that they hate them or somthing related to hate. Hate is when you cant stand being around someone in the same room or even cant bear to hear them say anything. Its just that you dislike something very much and want nothing to do with it

Does envy mean hate?

May not mean hate in the strict sense of the word, meaning to dislike someone very much. Envy is a feeling of discontent aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities or luck

How do you hate on someone?

It is wrong to hate, and I'm glad you realize that. You can dislike them and dislike the things they do. Hating leads no where but it will backfire on you and so will revenge.You first need to tell the person sorry, if they knew or not.Just talk about how you're feeling, it doesn't have to be that person thou.And no matter how angry you can get, don't hate.

What is the difference between dislike and disrespect?

When you dislike someone you don't show feelings for them. When you disrespect someone you don't show care for them.

What if you dislike someone who likes you?


How do you define true hate?

hate is a deep feeling that is, at times, confused with dislike. Mow let me tell you, hate and dislike are total and complete diffrent things. Dislike is when you just don't like someone for a reason. Hate is when you can't stand the person's existance. Hate is a strong word, so take time to actually decide wheater or not you hate a person or not.