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Q: What is a sun sized star that has converted the hydrogen in its core to helium?
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What is the first element that is converted in a star's core?

Hydrogen into Helium.

Hydrogen is converted into what?

In the core of a sun hydrogen nuclei are fused into helium atoms, liberating energy.

The sun's energy is released when what is converted into energy?

Energy is relates when hydrogen is converted into helium in the sun's core.

What is in the suns core?

helium and hydrogen

What is the sun formed out of?

The Sun is made up mainly of hydrogen, less helium, and small amounts of heavier elements. Four hydrogen atoms fuse to from one helium atom, in this process a lot of energy & heat is released. The sun will remain stable until the whole hydrogen is converted into helium. When the total hydrogen is exhausted energy production stops in its core and thus the core starts shrinking.

Why do you have helium?

Helium exists because Hydrogen fuses into Helium in the core of hot stars.

What is the process that generates energy in the core of a main sequence star?

The process is nuclear fusion of hydrogen. All stars at their main sequence converts hydrogen to helium giving large energy by during hydrogen atoms into helium nucliiFusion of hydrogen.

Is the sun made up of mostly hydrogen?

Essentially yes; the sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion with hydrogen being converted to helium.

What are the two main elements of the sun?

Hydrogen and Helium. Also comprised of a core of much heavier elements, all the elements in the universe heavier than hydrogen probably came from supernovae.

What is the sun's iner core made of?

Hydrogen and helium

Where in the sun does hydrogen fuse into helium?

at or near the core

Does Jupiter have a dense core of hydrogen and helium?

No, it has a dense rocky core in the middle!!