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Trapezius Muscle!

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Q: What is a superficial muscle of the neck and upper back acts at the shoulder This muscle is the?
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What is the largest muscle of the upper back?

Latissimus dorsi - this is the largest back muscle that runs from the lower back to the upper arm bone. It pulls the upper arm towards the body and acts as an internal rotator of the upper arm.

What is sternocleidomastaid?

Correct spelling being "sternocleidomastoid", it is a paired muscle in the superficial layers of the anterior portion of the neck. It acts to flex and rotate the head. It also acts as an accessory muscle of inspiration, along with the scalene muscles of the neck.

Which facial expression muscle acts to elevate the upper lip?

Levator labii superioris

What is a synergist to pronator teres?

Latissimus dorsi is the synergist of the teres major.Specifically, a synergist is a muscle which acts with another. The latissimus dorsi helps adduct and rotate the shoulder to elbow bone called the humerus. The teres major is a shoulder-related muscle.

What muscle acts as synergist to trapezius in shoulder retraction?

the muscle is used when you eat to much crispey skin chicken from the tea house and you jam tart out self lol :P

What is the function of peroneus longus?

In human anatomy, the fibularis longus (also known as peroneus longus) is a superficial muscle in the lateral compartment of the leg, and acts to evert and plantar flex the ankle.

When did they meet in the upper room in the Book of Acts in the bible?

In the book of Acts they met in the upper room for the passover.

What is the medical term for a muscle that acts with another muscle to produce movement?

synergistic muscle

What is the functions of glenohumeral?

The glenohumeral joint is commonly known as the shoulder joint it is not a muscle. It acts functionally as a diarthrosis and multiaxial joint.It is the most moveable joint in the body.Flexion and extension of the shoulder joint in the (sagittal plane).Abduction and adduction of the shoulder (frontal plane).Horizontal abduction and horizontal adduction of the shoulder (transverse plane).Medial and lateral rotation of shoulder (also known as internal and external rotation).Circumduction of the shoulder (a combination of flexion/extension and abduction/adduction).

What is the function of the sternocleidomastiod muscle?

The sternocleidomastoid muscle, also known as sternomastoid and comonly abbreviated as SCM, is a paired muscle in the superficial layers of the anterior portion of the neck. It acts to flex and rotate the head.

In this reflex action the muscle acts as the ....?


Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the geniohyoid during depression of mandible?

The masseter acts as the antagonist.