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To tell you how much air is in the air system.

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Q: What is a supply pressure gauge used for?
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Can bourdon's tube pressure gauge be used to measure negative pressure?

Bourdon's tube pressure gauge cannot be used to measure negative pressure. This is because absolute pressure must be measured and the Bourdon gauge only indicates the gauge pressure.

What is micro manometer pressure?

A manometer is a pressure gauge. A micro manometer is either a really small pressure gauge, or a pressure gauge used to measure really small pressure difference.

Can you see the difference between a wet and a dry standpipe system?

Yes you can. A dry standpipe system has an air pressure and a water gauge the air pressure gauge is normally found on the top or the (pressure side) the water gauge is normally located on the bottom under the air pressure gauge or the (supply side)

What is micro manometer?

A manometer is a pressure gauge. A micro manometer is either a really small pressure gauge, or a pressure gauge used to measure really small pressure difference.

What are gauge used for?

it basically used for measurement of pressure.

What is used to meausre air pressure in tires?

A tire pressure gauge.

What is the bourbon gauge and explain principal of working?

A bourdon gauge is a type of aneroid gauge. It is used to measure pressure.

Why snubber is used for pressure gauges?

pressure gauge snubber is therefore installed in the line that leads to the pressure gauge. The purpose of the snubber is to dampen the oscillations and thus provide a steady reading and protection for the gauge.

What is sphygmomamometer used for?

A sphygmomanometer is the gauge used for measuring blood pressure.

What is the difference between normal pressure gauge and differential pressure gauge?

A pressure gauge indicates actual pressure and a differential pressure gauge indicates the difference in pressure.

Why pressure gauge is called a gauge not a meter?

Because Pressure gauge measures the the differenceof pressure so it is called pressure gauge not meter.

What is the purpose of pirani gauge?

it is used to measure the accurate pressure