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Q: What is a sweet fruit of the gourd family?
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What is a large fleshy fruit with hard skin?


Which fruit is sweet when is raw and sour when is prepared to eat?

Bitter gourd also known as bitter melon is green and sweet when raw.

What is a gourd?

A gourd is a plant from the same family as Squash or Pumpkin. Often the fruit are used by retaining the dried skin and husk on the outside and using the inside, hollowed out, for storage, decoration, lanterns and musical instruments. Gourds belong to the family Cucurbitaceae. More often than not people mean the fruit when they use the term 'gourd' although it does refer, also, to the entire plant.

Are Pumpkins a type of fruit?

Yes, they are a type of fruit, since a fruit is defined as any plant with seeds inside of it.

What part of the plant does cucumbers come from?

The cucumber is the fruit of the cucumber vine plant.

What Tree has a gourd like fruit?


What does gourd mean?

it is a hard-skinned fruit

What is an ash gourd?

An ash gourd is a vine of the genus Benincasa, or the green, fuzzy fruit which is taken from this vine.

What is ash gourd?

An ash gourd is a vine of the genus Benincasa, or the green, fuzzy fruit which is taken from this vine.

Is gourd a noun?

Yes, the word 'gourd' is a noun; a word for a type of plant and its fruit; a word for the dried shell of this fruit made into utilitarian items; a word for a thing.

What is gourde?

A gourd is a plant from the same family as Squash or Pumpkin. Often the fruit are used by retaining the dried skin and husk on the outside and using the inside, hollowed out, for storage, decoration, lanterns and Musical Instruments. Gourds belong to the family Cucurbitaceae. More often than not people mean the fruit when they use the term 'gourd' although it does refer, also, to the entire plant.

What family does the pumpkin belong to?

the Pumpkin is a squash, also related to gourds, in the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae . See attached Wikipedia article.the pumpkin gets confused whether it a fruit or veg but like the cucumber and tomato it is a fruit