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Q: What is a swirling storm of sand in the desert called?
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What is a swirling storm of sand in the desert?

In North America a swirling column of sand is called a dust devil. It resembles a tornado in appearance but does not extend to a cloud base and the winds are not nearly as strong.

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A sand storm

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What is a sand hill in the desert called?

A hill of sand in a desert is normally referred to as a dune

How often do sand storms happen in the Sahara Desert?

A sand storm is also known as a dust storm. These storms can occur anywhere but mainly happen where there are large amounts of sand. The Sahara desert has hundreds of sand storms every year.

What product is best for sand blasting cars?

the desert because the sand is so strong in a sand storm it can strip a car of its paint

What does a desert storm look like?

Lots of sand and dust best not to get into one

How does water and wind act as an agent of erosion in the desert?

It blows the sand aroud. Or the water can wash it away. Such as a sand storm.

What are shifting hills of sand in desert are called?

sand dunes

Why doesn't the Australian desert have any sand?

There are large areas on sand in some of Australia's deserts. There is actually a desert in that country called the Great Sandy Desert.

Why do sandstorms happen in the desert?

The sand in the desert is usually quite dry and has few plants to hold the soil in place. Therefore, when the wind blows it is able to lift the sand and dust into the air forming a dust storm.

What is a sandy mount in the desert called?

A sand Dune