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Q: What is a synonym for eschew?
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I will eschew grapes during Lent. Technically you just did use "eschew" in a sentence. Nonetheless, here it is in a random sentence: "The US bishops eschew political leadership." One of my favorites: "Eschew obfuscation." This means avoid making things confusing or unclear. I don't believe I have ever seen this word used in print; and I'm certain I've never heard it used in speech, apart from pointing out how odd a word it is.

What are some synonyms of the word 'eschew'?

The definition of eschew is the avoidance of something because of morals. Some synonyms of eschew are abandon, evade, elude and shun. One could also use refrain and renounce as synonyms.

Keep clear of or abstain from?


The word eschew be used in a sentence?

This means to shun or avoid. Here are some sentences.I always eschew political discussions.You need to eschew pizza in the future because it upsets your stomach too much.Eschew drugs and alcohol, and you will be more successful.

What is the answer to the analogy Eschew is to repellent as absolve is to?

SaviourTo eschew is to avoid. A repellent causes avoidance.To absolve is to remove blame. A (The) Saviour causes the removal of blame.

What is the synonym to sacrifice?

Here are some synonyms for the word sacrifice: cede, drop, endure, eschew, forfeit, forgo, immolate, kiss goodbye, lose, offer, offer up, part with, renounce, resign oneself to, spare, suffer, surrender, waive, yield.

What does eschew obfuscation mean?

It means, avoid being confusing or unclear. The statement "eschew obfuscation" which many people (due to a limited vocabulary) would find confusing and unclear, is intended ironically.

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Spare the rod and spoil the child

What does EEEEEEEEEEC represent?

Tennessee (Ten "E" + C)

What does obfuscated mean?

To obfuscate means to make something unclear, to make something confusing especially by making it more complicated. A joke sentence using the word would be: Eschew obfuscation. Eschew means to avoid.