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I would get out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and I would write down my question, with a question mark. I would also ask verbally and if the person is deaf or mute, I would show them how to use the pen. If I cannot understand the answer I would ask the question again in another way, using words I think could promote an answer. If no answer come forward, I would put the kettle on and make a cup of tea or coffee. If they drink it without a problem my question is answered. I interpret that this is the meaning of communication.

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Q: What is a systemic process in which people interact with and through symbols to discover and interpret meanings?
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How do you create equality?

Creating equality involves promoting fairness and justice in all aspects of society. This can be achieved by implementing policies that address systemic discrimination, providing equal access to resources and opportunities for everyone, and actively challenging biases and stereotypes. It also requires fostering a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and respect for diversity.

What are the advantages of social structuralism?

Social structuralism helps to reveal the underlying power dynamics and inequalities in society, providing a framework for understanding how social structures influence individual behavior. It also highlights the interconnectedness of different social institutions and how they shape social relations. Additionally, social structuralism can be used to analyze social issues and propose solutions to address systemic problems.

What have oppressed groups in the US done?

Oppressed groups in the US have organized protests and demonstrations, used civil disobedience tactics, lobbied for policy changes, and engaged in community organizing to advocate for their rights and push for social justice. These actions have been instrumental in raising awareness, creating change, and challenging systemic inequalities.

I'm trying to determine how long a witch suffered when being burned and the closest thing I can think of is self-immolation. In self-immolation how long does it take before the person dies?

Where flames are inhaled, the lungs are damaged, and prevent oxygen transfer to the blood. Death would occur within 4 minutes. However, there is a strong probability of death from shock and systemic collapse within 1-2 minutes, simply from pain.

What is the stereotype of a drug dealer?

The stereotype of a drug dealer is often portrayed as someone involved in illegal activities, dangerous and untrustworthy, typically operating in marginalized communities and profiting off others' addictions. However, it's important to recognize that this stereotype is not representative of all individuals involved in drug dealing, as factors such as poverty, lack of opportunities, and systemic issues can play a role in someone's involvement in this activity.

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