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you can either use an empty paragraph (<p></p>) or a line break <br />

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Q: What is a tag used for providing space betwwn two lines in HTML?
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What is the tag in Html for providing space Similar to t in java?

The answer is : &amp;nbsp;

What is the purpose of a non-breaking space?

Assuming that this question is about HTML: web browsers and email programs normally will break a line of text that is too long to fit in the window into multiple lines. Normally, lines are split or wrapped at the final space that fits in the window. If the HTML author finds it undesirable to have a line of text broken at a particular space, the HTML author can replace that space with a non-breaking space. The browser or email program will keep the two words that surround the non-breaking space together and break the line at the preceding space. A non-breaking space is coded as ""&amp;nbsp;". A normal space is just a space, although it can also be coded as "&amp;#32;" or "&amp;#x20;".

HTML for space symbol?

The HTML code used to define a blank space is &amp;nbsp; ...

What is spacing between lines or text in HTML format called?

&lt;style type="text/css&gt; line-space: #px; &lt;/style&gt; I think that's it

How is a non-breaking space represented in HTML?

In HTML, a non-breaking space is coded as "&amp;nbsp;" (without the quotes).

How is a space inserted in HTML?

The Hypertext Markup Language does not commonly recognize what is normally processed and read as a space. In HTML, the code language for space is represented with the characters "".

What is blank in HTML?

There is nothing like Blank in HTML. There could be a blank TAB space and is given by &nbsp;.

What does and nbsp represent in a webpage?

A special space character that acts like a letter or digit, used to prevent multiple-word, proper names from breaking between lines. Also called a "non-breaking space." The HTML code is: nbsp;

How do you give space in HTML?

Space can be given by a special command. &amp;nbsp; gives a tabular space in program.

Is publishing HTML code on wordpad free?

If you are using their server space, you must pay to publish custom html.

What is cellpadding in HTML?

It is the space between the cell border and the text or images inside the cell. The number provided is the space in pixels. In modern HTML, it is set using CSS declarations.

How can I use a space in HTML that doesn't show up on the Webpage?

When you use extra whitespace, it is stripped by most browsers. Entering nine spaces into your HTML source, for example, will only appear as one space in your browser.