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sinder finger sinder finger That is called the ring finger. Because that is the finger most commonly used when wearing a wedding ring.

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I believe it is called the dactylion.

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Q: What is the middle part between your thumb and pointer on your hand called?
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Related questions

Hand pain between thumb and pointer?

It's called a Gina!!

What is the alphabet in sign language?

a,fist thumb out.b,4 fingers together.c,make a c.d,pointer finger up and use others to make an o.e,curl fingers in and thumb.f,make an o with thumb and pointer finger while other fingers up.g,point to the inside with thumb in.h,2 fingers pointing to the inside with thumb in.i,pinky up.j,make a j movement with pinky.k,make peace fingers with thumb in the middle,l,make a capitol L.m,fist with thumb in.n,fist with thumb between middle finger and pointer finger.o,make an o.p,pointer finger out,middle finger down.q,act like ur grabbing something with your pointer finger and thumb.r,cross middle and pointer fingers.s,fist with thumb in front of fingers.t,fist with thumb between middle finger and index finger.u,2 fingers together.v,peace fingers.w,3 fingers.x,pointer finger out and bent.y,fist with thumb and pinky out.z,use pointer finger in a z formation.

What is a flagina?

The skin between your thumb and pointer finger.

What are all your fingers called?

(Right hand) (Left to Right)Pinky,Ring finger,Middle finer,Pointer,ThumbIn layman's terms: forefinger, middle finger, ring finger and pinky finger. Most consider the thumb a thumb and not a finger. I disagree.

What is the finger called that is next to your thumb?

the pointer or the index finger

What is the medical term meaning the skin between your thumb and index finger?

The area between the thumb and index finger (digitus secundus manus, pointer finger, or forefinger), is called the thenar space. The skin is called webbing. In other sources it is called thumb webbing. The muscles at the base of the thumb form the thenar eminence.

What are the ranks on ninja glove?

pinky , ring finger, middle finger , pointer finger , and thumb

Can you play an electric bass with your thumb effectively?

You can, but it's better to use your pointer and middle fingers.

What is the skin between your thumb and index finger called?

The spot between the index finger and the thumb is called the thumb web space. The information is hard to find but is mentioned in the link below (in the section labeled "Causes"). Note: The link shows a birth abnormality, but "thumb web space" is the term for the normal appearance of thumb and index finger.

How do you spell blood with your fingers?

Right hand: Thumb up, pointer finger makes a "B" with the thunb. middle finger stays straight up to make the "L". ring finger curls around onto the middle finger to make an "O". Left hand: thumb and pointer finger makes a "D" by putting pointer finger halfway down thumb. Middle finger curls around onto the curled pointer finger to make the "O". Put the two "O" 's together. =)

How do you say my name is Brandy in sign language?

my: hand to chest name: with both hands, extend only your pointer & middle fingers. tap your pointer & middle fingers on your right hand, on top of those on your left hand. is: makes a fist with pinky extended. place tip of pinky on your chin & go out. brandy: B- like the number 4 but with fingers tightly together. R- cross middle finger over pointer finger. A- fist with thumb on the side. N- cross middle & pointer fingers over thumb. Y- all fingers down except pinky and thumb.

Can a cut nerve in the wrist heal itself your thumb pointer and 12 middle finger has no feelings but you can move them?
