

What is a three-dimension character in a movie?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Many screenwriters

begin with a story idea. If the idea has merit, characters are plugged into the plot. This is fine. There's nothing wrong with this approach.


How does a writer know if the characters feel real, or if they are simply "character types" going through the motions of the story? What the heck is a "character type?"*

Let's first look at what makes up a character.

A fully developed character has three dimensions: 1) Thoughts, 2) Emotions, and 3) Actions. A good character thinks, feels, and does things. A "character type" does only one of the three.

Think of a brainy professor character who thinks, but never shows emotion and never does anything. He's a character type. Think of a grieving widow - all emotion, no thoughts, and no actions. Think of a tough cop - all action, no thoughts, and no emotions. All are character types. All are incomplete characters. All are boring stereotypes.

And yet, these cliches keep making appearances in spec screenplays...sometimes in (God help us) starring roles! ACK! KILL THEM...PLEASE!

Okay - thoughts, emotions, and actions. Where do these come from? Are these just randomly assigned to characters?


Going backwards: Actions are based upon decisions and responses...which are based upon thoughts and feelings...which stem from attitudes...which are shaped by individual philosophies. Whew!

Why the individual philosophies? Everyone has one. Let's pick one: John believes the individual can make a positive difference in the world. Fine. This may or may not ever surface in the story, but it is important to know this about John. Why? Because his philosophy shapes his attitudes. John has a positive view on life. For him, life is not hopeless, not random, not pre-determined. Get the idea?

John's philosophy and attitudes influence his emotional state. This can be manifested in numerous forms, but, for the sake of simplicity, let's say that John is emotionally stable with others, but is hard on himself for not having accomplished more with his life.

With me so far?

Now, suppose the story is about John learning his country has entered a war. Can you guess John's goal? Can you guess which decisions and actions John might take? Can you see another line of action if John's personal philosophy were, "Eat, drink, and be merry...for tomorrow you may die?"

Most screenwriters have heard experts saying that a character must have motivation, a goal, and to 'do' rather than tell. Although good advice, it is incomplete.

Philosophy -> Attitudes/Emotions -> Decisions/Emotional Responses -> Actions -> Goals.

If a writer supplies the information necessary to complete this formula, the result will be a three-dimensional character with thoughts, emotions, and actions.

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