

What is a throat job?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Oral sex.

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Q: What is a throat job?
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the tracheas job is to help push objects in the throat out the way so that air can get through

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It is a muscular tube that pushes food down from the throat to the stomach

Really sore throat is soothers or lockets any good for it?

Soothers and lockets do help for a while but later the sore throat could come back so the best way to relieve a sore throat is to gargle warm water with salt. This will do the job ! Hope this helped and hope your throat gets better.

What is the job of the throat in the digestive system?

The throat is the passage that leads from the back of the mouth in mammals.

What is the name for a frog or toads throat that swells?

They all do that. As frogs and toads don't have much of a diaphragm they use their expandable throats for the job.

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The word gargoyle is from the Old French word gargouille meaning throat (Their job is to spit out the water from the roof)! ----

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The word gargoyle is from the old french word gargouille meaning throat(their job is to spit out the water from roofs).

I have a sore throat and tomorrow is my audition for this talent show and you win a trophy and win money and i really want to atleast get in how do i i do a good job and get rid of my sore throat?

Drink hot tea with honey , or have warm water with salt or gargle with either.

What is strep throat and its symptoms?

Strep throat is affection of your throat by streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. You get pain in your throat and there is fever associated with throat pain.

What did the singer Adele have surgery for?

I believe she never had a throat surgery , instead she had a nose job .. and they made it seem like it was about her throat , have you not wondered where she was hiding the whole time . look at old photos of her and the new ones and notice the difference !!

How do you know if it is sore throat or strep throat?

It's called a sore throat because it hurts. If you feel pain in your throat, that is a sore throat.

Why does your throat keep burning?

You may have a sore throat or strep throat