

What is a tick's prey?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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11y ago

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Ticks are external parasites feeding on the blood of a variety of mammals and birds, and occasionally reptiles and amphibians. Some have specific hosts, such as the deer tick, but most aren't fussy and will happily feed on a number of species, including humans.

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Q: What is a tick's prey?
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How do ticks find their prey?

From how I understand it ticks have chemoreceptors, or organs that can spot chemicals in the air. In a tick's case the chemical is carbon dioxide, which is excreted into the environment anytime any living organism breathes out.

Are horses prey to any other animal on Earth?

Yes. Large North American animals that prey on horses include wolves, dogs, bears and cougars. Small animals that prey on horses include ticks, blowflies, deer flys, intestinal worms and others.

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Wolves, Foxes & Owls prey on Voles, which are large-sized mice. Those first three also prey on Snowshoe Hares, which are large white rabbits.

Are ticks secondary consumer?

No. A example of a Secondary consumer would be a Lion eating its prey. Ticks don't eat you they feed off of you. They are considered more of a parasite. But to better explain the consumer part. There are four levels of consumers, the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary. And it goes in that order.

Are there ticks in Kodiak Alaska?

Ticks are not native to Alaska. If you have ticks, you brought them with you.

What animals are dependent on giraffes?

Lions and crocodiles prey upon adults, but calves are also preyed upon by leopards, wild dogs, and hyenas. Giraffes are often the hosts of parasitic ticks. Giraffes may rely upon red-billed and yellow-billed ox-pickers to cleanse them of their ticks.

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ticks have no use

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Are ticks segmented worms?

No, ticks are not segmented worms.

Ticks on people?

Yes, ticks will feed on people.

Kill ticks by flushing?

No - ticks are killed by alcohol .