

What is a tiny amount of energy?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is a tiny amount of energy?
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When an atomic bomb explodes the total amount of matter and energy involved increases?

A very very tiny amount of matter is removed and a very large amount of energy is produced.

Does you body emit energy?

Yes, some tiny amount of energy as a consequence of electrochemical neural processes, but mostly infrared heat energy.

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A television receiver uses electrical energy, either from batteries or from the electrical outlet it's plugged into, and converts that energy into a tiny bit of light energy, a moderate amount of sound energy, and a considerable amount of heat energy.

Is paper a renewable energy yes or no?

No. It's not really a source of energy (except a tiny amount when it is burnt). Renewable energy includes sun, wind, hydro and geothermal.

The energy in the sun is created by?

Nuclear fusion. Hydrogen atoms combine to become helium, and as a product if that reaction a tiny amount of energy is released as an explosion.

Is electric charge a tiny amount of energy?

Depends on the amount of the electric charge and on which place it is stored. Two clouds with a big amount of a potential electric charge, one positive and the other negative, will produce a huge amount of energy represented by a lightning bolt.

How does hydrogen atoms fusing into helium atoms make energy?

E = mc2 A byproduct of the fusion reaction is a loss of a tiny amount of mass, which is converted into energy.

Is the idea whichstates tiny particle do not sbsorb or release energy in a smooth flow?

Quantum theory. A quantum is a discrete amount of something.

In a nuclear fission reaction what is converted into energy?

In fission, the mass of the resulting atoms is slightly less than the mass of the original atom that was "split" -- this matter has been converted into energy. A tiny amount of matter is the equivalent of an enormous amount of energy, according to the formula E=Mc2.

How is it possible to add a lot of heat to something but not raise the temp very much?

If you have a small amount of thermal energy in a small area then the area will heat up faster. If you have the amount of thermal energy in a large area then you are hopeless. The same amount of thermal energy will be transferred to the air. But in a larger room there are always many more particles. Each particle only gets a tiny share of the extra energy. The average energy of the particles increases, but only a tiny bit. The temperature rises, but not very much. Science Focus 7 textbook

Do waves carry mass?

As a first approximation, they usually don't. However, since they carry energy, according to the equivalence of mass and energy, that means they also carry a tiny amount of mass.

What is the energy transform by a microphon?

A microphone converts a tiny bit of sound energy (kinetic energy of the vibrating air) into a tiny electric current.