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The topic sentence for Easter Island might be: "Easter Island, located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, is known for its mysterious giant stone statues called Moai and its unique culture and history."

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Q: What is a topic sentence for Easter island?
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The sentence that state the main idea of the paragraph?

It is the first sentence of a paragraph which is the topic sentence.

Easter Island is a teretory of what?

Easter Island is a territory of Chile.

Were does the Easter bunny live?

the Easter bunny lives on Easter island

How long is Easter island?

The length of Easter Island is 13.5km.

What country is Easter Island on?

Easter Island is a part of Chile.


Easter Island is a part of Chile.

Why was Easter Island named that?

Easter Island was named by Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen who arrived on the island on Easter Sunday in 1722. This day was significant as it coincided with the Christian holiday of Easter, leading Roggeveen to name the island "Easter Island."

How do you do you a topic sentence?

You can start a topic sentence any way you like. A topic sentence makes a statement (or asks a question) the rest of the paragraph explains or gives examples of what the topic sentence has said.For example the topic sentence is:New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean.We would expect this paragraph to give us some more information about New Zealand, maybe about it's size, how many islands, the islands names etc.So the paragraph could be:New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean. It comprises of two main islands the South Island and the North Island plus numerous small islands. The land area of New Zealand is 268,021 square kilometres. New Zealand's closest neighbour is Australia.So your topic sentence can start anyway you want, it all depends on what your paragraph is going to be about.

What country is Easter island in?

Easter Island is a territory of Chile, located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean.

Why was Easter Island named Easter Island?

The first European to discover the island did so on Easter Sunday, 1722.

Easter Island is a dependency of what contry?

Easter Island is a dependency of Chile.

Where are the Easter Island heads located currently?

the coasts of Easter island