

What is a traverllers cheque?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Travelers Cheques are monetary instruments that can be converted to cash at any bank around the globe. It is usually used by tourists and travelers when they visit a country whose currency is not widely available in their own and also for safety purposes.

For Ex: If I were to visit the United States on a two week holiday, I would need US Dollars to spend during my trip in the states. So I will go to my bank in India (where I have an account) and request for TC's to be issued. My bank would take money from me in Rupees (Indian Currency) and issue me Travelers Cheques of equivalent value. Once I land in the United States, I can visit any bank that I can find near my hotel and exchange them to US Dollars by producing the TC and my passport. Now I will have US dollars for my spending during my stay at the states.

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