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Q: What is a type of tissue that arises in most animals during development?
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During embryonic development cells specialize to form what?

a group of specialized cells forms tissue, a group of tissue forms an organ

Is a sarcoma a malignant tumor that arises from connective tissue?

Yes, a sarcoma is a malignant tumor or neoplasm of connective tissue

Ependymoma is a tumor that arises from where?

Ependymoma is a tumor that arises from the ependyma. This part of the body is a tissue in the central nervous system. In children, it is generally intra-cranial but in adults, it is spinal.

Fat is forming under the skin which development stage is that?

The development stage you are referring to is likely the accumulation of adipose tissue (fat) beneath the skin. This typically occurs during the growth and maturation stages of development.

What are morphongens?

Any substance that governs the movement and development of cells during morphogenesis by forming a concentration gradient in the developing tissue

Do women who have had a gender reassignment to a man have erections?

Yes they do. A female's clitoris is the same tissue with the same nerve endings as a male's penis. The only difference is that during fetal development, that same tissue differentiated as either a male with a penis, or a female with a clitoris, during that stage of development. In an adult human, the tissues respond identically. The only difference is neurological as to how the stimulus from that tissue is interpreted.

What tissue is responsible for response in animals?

blood tissue

During development an embryo is embedded in the?

During development, an embryo is embedded in the the endometrium during the first week of pregnancy. The endometrium is the innermost muccous membrage of the uterus. The embryo becomes implanted in it, then the surrounding tissue forms sinuses that exchange nutrients and later becomes the placenta.

How many tissue layers do adult amphibians have?

Adult amphibians have three tissue layers: the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. These layers give rise to different organs and tissues during development.

What are examples of a type of tissue found in animals?

Muscle tissue Connective tissue Nervous tissue Epithelial tissue

What tissue found in animals is involved in contraction?

Muscular tissue .