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Q: What is a underground thing that store food in plant?
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Related questions

What are the main functions of underground stem?

it is to support the plant or store food for it

Do underground stems absorbs water and mineral salts for the plant?

The underground stems do not absorb water and mineral salts for the plant, rather these store the prepared food material in them to overcome adverse environmental conditions.

In a seed rhizomes store food for a developing plant embryo?

yes, rhizomes are thick, underground stems of a fern or other vascular plant; which often functions as an organ for food storage.

Where do insects store food?

insets store food in an underground home did you know that?

Do Irish potatoes store food in the stem?

All potatoes store food in their underground tubers. It is the tubers that we eat, as the rest of the potato plant is poisonous. Very green tubers should be discarded and not eaten.

What is the function of rhizomes?

The rhizome is a creeping underground stem of some plants. A rhizome is thick and swollen and acts as a food store. Iris is an example of a rhizomatous plant.

What is the purpose of a potato?

It is a good food and they are neat. In a potato plant; the potato is serves as a tuber. This is a specialized underground stem which allows the plant to store nutrients in the form of starch. After cold periods or dry months the plant uses this starch to regrow. food.

What is a colyledon?

I have no idea what a colyledon might be. A cotyledon is a modified leaf containing the food for a seed. It provides the food for the new plant. Some cotyledons finish their task of providing the new plant with food and turn into leaves. Other cotyledons do not turn into leaves. Some cotyledons go underground and store food for the plant.

Where does the phloem get the food it sends around the plant?

A plants food is the nutrients underground.

Why is the underground food reserve important to a biennal plant?

A biennial plant has to face adverse climate at a time every year hence underground food reserve is important for its survival.

Does dahlia store food for the plant?

Dahlia store food in their tubers.

What the function of rhizome?

The rhizome is a creeping underground stem of some plants. A rhizome is thick and swollen and acts as a food store. Iris is an example of a rhizomatous plant.