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Q: What is a vascular tumor of the adrenal gland causing hypertension and heart palpitations?
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If you have palpitations on your right side around your appendix's What could be causing these palpitations?

Anxiety is known to cause palpitations around your appendix region.

Soy causing heart palpitations?

Absolutely. At least that was my problem. As soon as I figured it out and stopped all soy, my heart palpitations went away.

What are palpitations and what can be used to treat them?

Heart palpitations is an unusual awareness of the heartbeat. You can feel it unusually well. Most people will ignore them but others seek treatment. Treating palpitations depends entirely on which arrhythmia is causing them. When that is determined, you can seek specific treatment.

Difference between primary hypertension and secondary hypertension?

Primary hypertension is hypertension or high blood pressure diagnosed without any other underlying disease that might have caused it. Secondary hypertension is due to another underlying disease causing the high blood pressure.

what does Hypertension mean?

Hypertension just means "high blood pressure." Benign hypertension is high blood pressure that "runs a relatively long and symptomless course"--in other words, your blood pressure is high, but it isn't causing any real problems. More accurately, it isn't causing symptoms. It is causing problems, in that it is damaging your kidneys, heart, and putting you at risk for myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke.

What affect do fats have on blood pressure?

it does affect the blood vessels causing the blood vessels to build up with plaque causing hypertension (high blood pressure)

What does benign hypertension mean?

Hypertension just means "high blood pressure." Benign hypertension is high blood pressure that "runs a relatively long and symptomless course"--in other words, your blood pressure is high, but it isn't causing any real problems. More accurately, it isn't causing symptoms. It is causing problems, in that it is damaging your kidneys, heart, and putting you at risk for myocardial infarction (heart attack) and stroke.

Has anyone with the Mirena had palpitations?

I seriously doubt that an IUD can cause palpitations. The condition is more common that is recognized and is often the result of calcium or potassium deficiency or a thyroid condition. If you have any concerns about this contact your doctor. Caffeine can also cause palpitations as can many other drugs. There have been several reports of Mirena IUD causing heart palpitations however, and certain deficiencies and shortages can be caused by the hormone release in the IUD. Google on Mirena and heart palpitations and the stories of many women will come up.

why is Hypertension is called "the silent killer"?

Hypertension (high blood pressure) leads to heart attacks, strokes and aneurysms. The person suffering these things can not "feel" the high blood pressure causing them - it is painless and therefore "silent".

What is Adrenocorticotropin?

A hormone that acts on cells of the adrenal cortex, causing them to produce male sex hormones and hormones that control water and mineral balance in the body.

Meaning of mucosa vascular pattern in the sigmoid colon was increased?

If the mucosa vascular pattern of the sigmoid colon has increased, this means there is inflammation, which is causing swelling. Usually there are no signs and symptoms of this. However, if there is, your doctor that diagnosed you with it, can help you.

What is a physiological disease?

A physiological disease is a disease in which the organs or the systems in the body malfunction causing illnesses. Some examples are asthma, hypertension, diabetes, glaucoma, and strokes.