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if you eat it, it eases bellyaches and is a leafy green plant that grows in any damp areas

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Watermint, or Mentha aquatica, is a type of mint plant that grows in wet habitats like marshes, streams, and ponds. It has a strong, minty fragrance and flavor and is commonly used in herbal teas, culinary dishes, and for its medicinal properties. Watermint is also known for attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.

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Is peppermint a cross between watermint and spearmint?


What herbs are safe for cat to eat?

Catmint, Watermint, these look like long, green, and watery grasses.

What are the different uses of herbs example use of basil leaves when cooking pasta?

POPPY SEEDS- used as aspirin and sleeping pill LAVENDER- used for warm baths to calm PAPRIKA- used to spice CATMINT- used to drive your cat insane WATERMINT- used like tums CHOKEBERRIES- used to kill

What are all the herbs in warrior?

borage leaves,burdock root,catmint,chervil,cobwebs,coltsfoot,comfrey,dock,dried oak leaf,feverfew,goldenrod,honey,horsetail,juniper berries,lavender,marigold,mouse bile, poppy seed,stinging nettle,tansy,thyme,watermint,wild garlic,yarrow,death berries.

Is all mint edible?

Like any other MINT plant it is edible. Watermint, is less 'minty' than some of the more widely known 'mints'. Just wash it 'thoroughly' under a 'running-tap' and use as other mints .... for 'Mint Sauce' etc. !

Where does peppermint come from?

Origin of peppermint oil It is a native of the Mediterranean, but is now also cultivated in Italy, USA, Japan and Great Britain. It is a perennial herb that grows up to 1 meter (3 feet) high and has slightly hairy serrated leaves with pinkish-mauve flowers arranged in a long conical shape. It has underground runners by which it easily propagates. This herb has many species, and peppermint piperita is a hybrid of watermint (M. aquatica) and spearmint (M. spicata). According to Greek mythology the nymph Mentha was hotly pursued by Pluto, whose jealous wife Persephone, trod her ferociously into the ground, whereupon Pluto then turned her into a herb, knowing that people would appreciate her for years to come. It has been cultivated since ancient times in Japan and China. Evidence of use was found in Egypt in a tomb dating back from 1000 BC

What are the illnesses in warrior cats?

Common illnesses in the Warrior Cats series include greencough, whitecough, and injuries such as broken bones and wounds from battles. Additionally, cats can suffer from other conditions like rat bites, infections, and occasionally more serious illnesses like the deadly Twoleg sickness.

Would real warriors herbs really work in real life?

I know cobweb and marigold do. This is how I know. My cat, Elvis, bit me one day and it was bleeding, so I went outside and found a cobweb and put it on the place where the bite was. About 5-10 minutes later I checked the bite, and found that it was no longer bleeding. Now for the marigold. Again, my cat bit me, and I went out walking and found a marigold flower that was not in a garden. So, I picked the flower and rubbed it on my bite for about 30 seconds and it wasn't stinging or hurting as bad as it was before I rubbed the flower on it. I don't know about the other herbs though. Hope this helps! NOTE: DO NOT TRY DEATH BERRIES!

What are all of the herbs and their uses in the Warriors series?

There are many herbs in the world of Warriors. Some are not even mentioned in the series. Here are most of them:Cobweb: to stop the bleedingPoppy Seeds: eat if shocked or having trouble sleepingHoney: sore throatsDock: SorenessMarigold: good for cuts and scratches and infectionsBurdock Root: infections and rat bitesYarrow: make cats sickJuniper berries: bellyaches and energyBorage: helps milk come for queens, heals infections, puts down feverHorsetail: good for infectionsCelandine: juice is good for damaged eyesParsley: helps stop the milk for queens whose kits diedCatmint: sweet smelling herb good for curing whitecough and greencoughChervil: juice good for infections, roots good for bellyachesComfrey: helps mend broken bones, soothes woundsFeverfew: puts down feverGoldenrod: heals woundsStinging Nettle: helps if cat swallowed poison, brings down swellingRushes: to bind broken bonesThere are SEVERAL herbs used in Warriors. Here is a list of them and their cures:ALDERReduces swelling and prevents infection when chewed and applied to a wound. May also be chewed by a cat with a toothache to reduce pain, swelling, and aid in preventing complications.ALFALFAUsed to prevent tooth decay.ALOE VERAUse the gel inside of leaves to cure skin problems or burns.ASH (TREE)New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed and applied to the bit of an Adder or Viper to stave off the effects of its poisoned bite.Keys (seeds) of the Ash tree may also be consumed to fight the pain caused by a stitch in the side.BORAGELeaves and Roots should be consumed to stave off fevers. Seeds and leaves should be consumed by the nursing Queen to increase available milk.Borage should never be used dried, only green.BRAMBLE TWIGSChew this to a fine syrup. It helps to sleep.BURDOCKLeaves may be chewed and applied to wounds that are clear of infection to speed healing.Roots may be chewed and applied to a wound to draw infection from it.CATCHWEEDBurrs can be used to help hold treatment onto a cat.CATMINTLeaves and Flowers can be used to relive congestion and coughs. Used to counter greencough and whitecough.CELADINEUsed to strenghten weak eyes.CHAMOMILELeaves and Flowers may be consumed to sooth a cat and add to their physical strength.CHERVILThe juice of the leaves are used for infected wounds, and chewing the roots helps with bellyache.CHICKWEEDIf there is now catmint around, it is a good substitute to counter greencough.COBWEBSGathered and pressed into wounds to stop bleeding. Generally only used with wounds that risk bleeding heavily as they can cause increased risk of infection.COLTSFOOTThe leaves are eaten to reduce shortness of breath.COMFREYUsed when healing broken bones.DAISY LEAVESIf chewed into a paste, can be a useful remedy for aching joints.DEATHBERRY (DEADLY NIGHT SHADE)Berries, or any other part of the plant, when consumed will kill the cat who swallows if they are not given immediate help, and even then they may not always be saved. Roots & leaves may be chewed together and applied to sore places, but must NEVER be applied to open wounds.This is a poison in addition to a healing plant.DOCKThe leaf is chewed and applied to scratches to soothe them.DRIED OAK LEAFUsed to stop infections.ECHINACIAUsed to ease infection.FERNSUsed to clean out wounds.FEVERFEWLeaves can be used to reduce fever, in addition to being consumed to aid against colds and stomach ailments.GOLDENRODThe poultice of this is for healing wounds.HONEYUsed to sooth the throat. Particularly good for smoke inhalation.HORSETAILThe leaves are chewed up and applied to infected wounds.JUNIPERBerries ease the stomach and can serve as a counter poison. Leaves are used to ease coughs and other respiratory problems.LAVENDERLeaves & flowers are particularly good when eaten for easing pains in head and throat, and curing fever. Inhaling the sent of fresh flowers can also calm the nerves.MARIGOLDLeaves and Flowers should be consumed to relieve chills.Leaves and Petals can be chewed and placed on wounds to prevent infection.MOUSEBILEBile from the liver of the common mouse may be harvested and used to kill stubborn fleas and ticks.PARSLEYUsed to stop the flow of a queen's milk.POPPY (WILD)Seeds can be consumed to remove pain and aid is sleep.Flower heads should be consumed together to relive continuous coughs.Petals and Leaves should be chewed to aid in sleep and improve resting.STINGING NETTLEThe leaves are applied to reduce swelling, while the seeds are ingested by those who have swallowed poison.SNAKEROOTUsed to counter poison.TANSYLeaves, flowers, and Stems should be eaten together to remove worms.Leaves may be chewed to relive joint aches.Flowers should be consumed to remove coughs.Pregnant Queens should NEVER be given Tansy, for it causes miscarriages.THYMEShould be consumed to calm the anxious cat, or to aid in brining restful sleep.WATER MINTUsed to help cure bellyaches.WILLOW TREEWater from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be dripped into the eyes to help clear blurriness of vision. It may also be applied to dry patches of skin to sooth itches.Small amounts of Willow Bark may be consumed to ease pain, act against inflammation, and to ease diarrhea or fevers.WILD GARLICRolling in a patch helps prevent infection, particularly for rat bites.YARROWEntire plant should be consumed to induce vomiting.Entire plant should be chewed and applied to wounds to relive pain and prevent infection.YEWTo make a cat vomit up poisons.DANDELIONSThe white liquid inside the stem is used for bee stings. Its roots can also be chewed to act like poppy seeds.HEATHER FLOWERSIt can be included in herbal mixtures, to make it easier to swallow.MALLOWThe leaves are best collected at sunhigh, when they are dry. It soothes a cat's belly.RAGWEEDLike lamb's ear, this herb, commonly found in the mountains, gives a cat strength.RASBERRY LEAVESA herb used in kittings it could be a painkiller, or to help stop bleeding during the kitting.TRAVELLING HERBSTraveling Herbs consists of sorrel, daisy, chamomile and burnet. Chamomile strengthens hearts, and calms cats. The other herbs' uses are unknown.----------------------Feel free to add on to the list in case I forgot anyYew, also known as deathberries, is a poisonous berry. Night Shade is another poisonous berry.Just saying but Ragwort is used. Sorry, but i don't know what for

What trees flowers and plants are commonly found in the UK?

I assume you mean nuclear plants. The first series were the Magnox design which used natural metallic uranium in magnesium alloy sheaths, graphite moderator, and CO2 gas coolant. These are now obsolete and only one or two stations are still operating. The development of these was the AGR which used oxide fuel in stainless steel sheaths, graphite moderator, CO2 gas coolant. These could operate at much higher coolant outlet temperature and so are more efficient, but to keep the graphite at acceptable temperature a very complicated arrangement of re-entrant gas flow is required. There are 14 of these reactors operating. There is also one PWR reactor operating.