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Q: What is a way of understanding the world based on the values of the ancient Greeks and Romans?
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Who did the most to preserve the scientific knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans?

The credit for preserving the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans goes to the Christian monks in their monasteries. They recognized the value of the ancients' writings and preserved them as many of the ancient values were identical with Christianity's values.

What was the ancient Romans beliefs and values?

the romeromeromeromeromerome

What can the reader infer about the fears and values of the ancient Greeks based on this description of the Cyclops's island?

The ancient Greeks associated mountain exploration with bravery.

What can the reader infer about the fears and values of the ancient Greeks based on the description of the cyclops's island?

The ancient Greeks associated mountain exploration with bravery.

What can the reader infer about the fears and values of the ancient Greeks based on a description of the cyclops island?

The Ancient Greeks valued community (Ap3x

What can the readers infer about the fears and values of the ancient Greeks based on the description of the cyclops island?

The ancient Greeks associated mountain exploration with bravery.

How did the ancient Romans rais their children?

The ancient Romans tried to raise their children to be good citizens, loyal to the family and to the state. They tried to instill in them the moral and social values of the times.

Why did the Ancient Romans value the flamingo?

Because it symbolized balance and order with values of beauty and relaxation.

What were the beliefs and the values of ancient people?

The ancient greeks used to believe in the greek Gods, or the "Olympians" which were.ZeusPoseidonHadesHestiaHeraAresAthenaApolloAphroditeHermesArtemisHephaestusMost of the time they usually valued there leaders of the palace or kings and queens.

What does The Odyssey reveal about the Greeks?

The Odyssey tells us of ancient Greek culture and values. We can see they valued loyalty and faithfulness. They also valued strength.

Explain the beliefs of humanists during the renaissance?

In the 1300s, a new way of understanding the world developed. This new approach was called humanism. It was based on the values of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Humanists believed that the individual and human society was more important. Humanists did not turn away from religious faith, but they wanted a balance between faith and reason. Their new ideas encouraged men to be active in their cities and achieve great things.

Do you think the ethics of Homer are probably a reliable source of information about the history of the ancient Greeks?

According to me I will say,yes the epic of Homer are probably a reliable source of information about history of the ancient Greeks because we get hints about life during this period from two great epic poems, the Iliad( the greatest source of information about the Trojan War) and Odysseus, reveal much about the values of the ancient Greeks.