

What is a wildebeast?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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the wildebeest is a very small species of buffalo. its preyed by lions, leopards, cheetahs, jackals & hyenas. it is a grazer but will get very agresive and it will then attack zebras, elans & oryxes.

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Connochaetes taurinus-blue wildebeest. Geographic Range The range of the wildebeest includes the plains and acacia savannas of eastern Africa. This range extends from the equator to the tip of South Africa (Estes, 1991). Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (native ). Habitat Wildebeests thrive in areas that are neither too wet nor too dry. They can be found in places that vary from overgrazed areas with dense bush to open woodland floodplains. Wildebeests prefer the bushlands and grasslands of the southern savanna (Kingdon, 1989). Terrestrial Biomes: savanna or grassland ; forest ; scrub forest . Physical Description Mass 118 to 270 kg; avg. 194 kg (259.6 to 594 lbs; avg. 426.8 lbs) Basal Metabolic Rate Blue wildebeest are large African bovids with robust muzzles and cow-like horns. The horns are long without ridges and the males' horns are thicker with the appearance of a boss. Wildebeests have short hair covering their bodies, and their color ranges from slate gray to dark brown, with males darker than females. There are black vertical stripes of longer hair on their backs. Wildebeests also have black faces, manes, and tails. The different subspecies of wildebeest vary in color. Connochaetes t. johnstoni is the largest subspecies and the western white-bearded wildebeest (C.t. mearnsi) is the smallest. Connochaetes t. mearnsi is the darkest group of wildbeest and C.t. albojubatus is the palest. Connochaetes t. taurinus individuals are slate gray in color, the origin of the common name "blue" wildebeest (Estes, 1991). Some key physical features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry . Sexual dimorphism: male larger. Reproduction Number of offspring 1 to 2; avg. 1 Gestation period 8 to 8.50 months; avg. 8.25 months Birth Mass 18125 g (average) (638 oz) [External Source: AnAge] Time to weaning 7 to 16 months; avg. 12 months Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female) 912 days (average) [External Source: AnAge] Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male) 912 days (average) [External Source: AnAge] Unlike most African mammals, the wildebeest has a three week period in which most of the young are born. The conception rate among wildebeests is very high because their sexual peak is associated with good climate conditions. The sexual peak occurs at the end of the rains and the animals are in good condition. Wildebeest, if properly nourished, can begin to conceive at 16 months; they commonly first breed, however, at 28 months. The gestation period is eight to eight and a half months. Most of the calves are born at the beginning or a month before the peak of the rain season. Labor lasts one and a half hours at the most. Once a calf is delivered, the mother begins to lick it. After six minutes, the calf is able to stand on its feet and attempts to be nursed. It is very important that the mother stays close to the calf for two days in order to assure that imprintation occurs, which begins with the first suckling. Mothers initially identify their calf by scent alone. Young have a better chance for survival in a large group than in a small group. At eight months, the young leave their mothers and form peer groups (Estes, 1991). Key reproductive features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual . Behavior The wildebeest is a territorial, gregarious animal. Small herds are made up of females and their calves. These herds tend to occupy a small amount of space, and different herds overlap. Males leave these herds after a year and enter into a bachelor group. When males reach the age of four or five, they leave The Bachelor groups and become territorial. The makeup of groups with cows remains constant and if a new cow tries to enter, it is harassed. When there are many herds grouped close together, it is common for cows to transfer from one group to another. At the end of the rains, cows emerge in their own groups but as the dry season goes on, the separate groups lose their identities. The number of times a group moves and how many cows are in a group depends on the rainfall, the dry season pasture, and other environmental factors (Estes, 1991). One large migration of wildebeest is known as the Serengeti migration. During this migration, wildebeest move from the open plains to Lake Victoria in search of forage. On this journey, wildebeests swim across rivers and many wildebeests are killed. When the wildebeest travel across land, they walk with their heads bowed down, which is most likely related to the fact that the scent gland for wildebeest are in their hooves and they bow to follow the group (Kingdon, 1989). The beginning of rut in wildebeests is associated with the full moon. Territorial bulls, however, are always ready to mate. Whenever they are approached by another wildebeest, they greet the stranger with a rocking canter movement. If the newcomer is a female, the bull tries to herd or mount her. There is considerably more calling, herding, and fighting among the wildebeests during periods of sexual activity. A male that is sexually excited tries to herd as many females as possible and does not eat or sleep as long as a female is in his territory. Every territorial bull that sees a female in heat will try to mount her. If a female stands still, copulations are repeated often, at a rate of over two a minute. A female may encounter several dozen males in a day if her group is moving. A female in full heat will always be found by the side of a male (Estes, 1991). Key behaviors: motile ; migratory ; social ; dominance hierarchies . Food Habits The wildebeest is a grazing animal. They need water almost daily (Estes, 1991). Wildebeests feed in the morning and afternoon. Wildebeests have been known to eat tree leaves if there is not any grass available (Kingdon, 1989). Economic Importance for Humans: Negative Even though wildebeests have helped farmers in the past, they are now considered more of a nuisance. Farmers claim that the competition with the cattle for food and the diseases that they spread to the cattle are quite devestating to their overall production (Kingdon, 1989). Economic Importance for Humans: Positive In the past, wildebeests were captured by local farmers and were herded with cattle. Those wildebeests that lactated were used to feed the calves in the herd so that the cattles' milk could be used for human consumption. Besides their usefulness on ranches, wildebeests are also prevalent at zoos throughout the world (Kingdon, 1989).

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Q: What is a wildebeast?
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How long does it tack a baby wildebeest to learn to run?

a baby wildebeast can run almost from birth.

What animals have hoofs?

Zebra, dik-dik, gazelle, Pronghorn, sheep, llama, goats, alpaca, camel, cow, horse, Donkey, Pig, Boar, ram, Wildebeast, moose, buffalo, Antelope, Goats, bison, Deer, giraffe, Impala, Gaur, Buffalo, Moose, Caribou

What is the lion's favorite prey?

Lions are predators. They have sharp claws and canine teeth that are designed to grab and hold their prey. Their teeth are designed to cut through meat much like ours. Cows have flat teeth that are designed to grind their food. This would make them prey. Animals that have their eyes set in the front of their heads are animals that prey on others. Animals that have their eyes more to the side are ones that need to look in a larger area to avoid being caught. Lions are preyed upon by no other animal except man.Lions rely entirely on team work to catch their prey and therefore survive. The lionessess (females) do all the hunting in a pride (group) of lions. They position themselves downwind so that the animal or herd of animals that they are hunting can't smell them. When lions attack they will go for the animal that is injured or the weakest of the herd. They will all gang up on that animal and bring it down. Wildebeast and zebra have devastating kicks, so the lions try to use their wait to pin the animal to the ground. All cats have wrists that can rotate. This gives the lion a better grip on the prey. A quick bite to the neck of the animal will immobilize the prey or kill it instantly.they are predator because they hunt other animals and no other animals hunt them

What can happen to the ecosystem if lions were extinct?

Lion extinction will result in a significant increase of its prey, such as deers, as there is one less predator for them. This will in turn cause grasslands to be wiped out as the prey of lions' population increases. Many herbivorous animals would then be fighting for food, causing many animals to die of starvation or move out of their habitat.

The top 5 fastest land animals?

Trick Question! Really there is only one fastest land animal.It is the cheetah.It is pretty fast,But not pretty strong.A 5,000 pound gorilla and 3,000 pound cheetah,If they compeat eachother,The gorilla will win.Because the gorilla doesn't sit on the cheetah,Its really tough fist hits the cheetah in the back.Causing the cheetah's spine to break.So it is the fastest,but not the strongest.

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What does a wildebeast weigh?

It weighs 265--600 lb (120--270 kg). (Also, it's wildebeest, not wildebeast.)

How does a wildebeest kill it's prey?

a 'wildebeast' is a herbivore, so it doesn't eat meat, the wildebeast eats grass or vegetation. (:

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Can you name a large two horned animal?

a bull has two horns, a wildebeast, a buffalo

How long does it tack a baby wildebeest to learn to run?

a baby wildebeast can run almost from birth.