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Q: What is a word for someone who just likes hearing the sound of their own voice or talks a lot because they have a need to be heard?
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Why would a guy smile when he heard from a friend that a girl likes him?

Maybe because he likes her back.

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that would be a turn on to heard by someone you are attracted to and accepts and likes the way you look

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Possible it depend on the person

If a girl you like smiles when someone mentions your name but she claims that she doesn't like you does that mean that she likes you?

Yes and how do I know am a girl to and Because she dont want him to find out and have you heard the saying if He\she likes you or loves you or even has a crush on you he\she will be a jerk to you or being mean its Because they like you and theres Your answer frome shyanne if iny more call me at 794-0849

How do you ask out a girl you know likes you?

just walk up to her and say "i heard you like me" and then before she can answer say "i hope i heard right because i like you too" and then if she says "you heard it right" or "yes" then ask her out

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Well if you are a girl ALWAYS wait for the guy to tell you he likes you... trust me. And if your a guy you heard what I said, ask her out.

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I heard that he wants to date someone named Medora Greene something. I dont know if it's true, but I heard that they have known each other for years, and he really likes her.

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Just because someone wants it to be that. Someone called 360° who likes circles.

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well is it just a rumour or have you been hearing from lots of pple? if you have and these pple are your friends it is probly true :0 good luck