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It's called a palindrome. Here are some other examples:






Palindromes can be numbers/dates too such as:







A great place to find lots of riddles is by searching for 'Oxford Dictionary Palindrome' on Google and clicking the first link.

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Q: What is a word like noon called it is spelled the same forward as backward?
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Is the word 'river' an e xample of a palindrome?

No. A palindrome is spelled the same forward and backward, like 'kayak'. 'river' backwards would be 'revir'

What do you call a word called forward and backward?

palindrome like....racecar....or rise to vote sir!

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What are phrases called that reads the same forward and backward?

"Palindromes", like race car, Madam, I'm Adam, no melons, no lemon

Which words can you spell backwards?

Words that are spelled the same forward and backward are called "palindromes", including such words as noon, radar, racecar, and redder. Words that spell different words when spelled backward are variously known as semodnilaps, heteropalindromes, and anadromes. They include such word pairs as stressed/desserts, deliver/reviled, and diaper/repaid. (see related links for lists)

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It is where you skate backwards and then step forward with one foot so you face forward again. Its like a turn but easier.

What brand of auto part has a backward B and forward B together Looks like an 8?

"Bosch" .

How do you use explorer guy in Happy Wheels?

You use it exactly like the other characters; up = forward, down = backward, left = leaning backward and right = leaning forward. I don't remember if he can jump or stop or something, but that's space.

What do you call a word that is another word spelled backwards?

One common term is semordnilap (the word palindrome spelled backwards).Palindromes, like radar and racecar, spell the same word forward or backward. Semordnilaps are different real words when spelled backwards, such as was/saw, liar/rail, diaper/repaid, and desserts/stressed.Other terms for these words are opisograms, or reverse anagrams.(see related link)

What is the word called that describes a word that can be spelled forward as well as backword Example RACECAR?

those words like mom, dad, pop, noon, racecar, level, hannah---yea all that good stuff are called palindromes.

What is the word for dates that read the same forward as backward?

They're known as "palindromes", like "Sit on a potato pan, Otis."

How does submarine will move forward and backward?

They have fan-like propellers that can control moving forward and back, and use chambers of air that fill with water and release it to go up and down