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Q: What is a word that ends in e and is fur worn over the shoulders and hanging down?
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Wearing a graduation scarf?

A graduation scarf is a traditional accessory worn as part of academic regalia during graduation ceremonies. It typically represents the school colors or signifies the field of study. It is worn draped over the shoulders with the ends hanging down the front.

Was the hanging gardens of Babylon really hanging?

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were not really hanging in the sense that they were hanging from the Gardens upside down or anything, they actually were more draped as they grew, over the sides of the trellises and planters.

How would you classify a fault in which the foot wall has slid over the hanging wall?

you would call it a normal fault because the hanging wall goes down and the foot wall goes up and over the hanging wall.

Fur worn over the shoulders and hanging down?

I believe you are asking about a garment called a 'stole', probably most often heard as a 'mink stole'. This is a garment narrower than a cape, worn about the shoulders, with ends often left dangling. I have seen mink stoles and fox stoles. I believe they became popular in the late forties-early fifties when fur coats were very desirable, and those who could not pay a thousand dollars for a coat might wish to buy a short jacket or a stole to enjoy the prestige of owning mink or other fur.

What is the garment worn over the shoulders?

shawls, stoles, capes, serapes and ponchos are or can be worn over the shoulders. Shawls can also be worn over the head and shoulders.

The hanging wall slides up and down over the footwall is called?

normal fault i think

Why did the B of the bang get taken down?

People thought it was quite dangerous because some part of it was hanging over the edge of the roud (it mite of fell down),thats why.

How did Arnold Schwarzenegger get to to the US?

He rode a magical horse over the rainbows of the hanging gardens of Babylon. Zerkseis Commands you to bow down.

What is the thing that goes over your shoulders?


What is cape definition?

Cape has a few meanings - A sleeveless outer garment fastened at the throat and worn hanging over the shoulders. - A brightly colored cloth used in maneuvering the bull in a bullfight, or a point or head of land projecting into a body of water.

Why rappers have towels hanging over their shoulders?

Generally it is used to wipe sweat off of their head and face during a battle, it's just a little more hygienic than wiping sweat off with just your arm or your sleeve , hope it helped

Who does the head and shoulders voice over?

harry enfield