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Q: What is a word that shows action or being?
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A verb can show action, or it can show state of being. "To run" shows action. "Is" shows state of being. He ran down the street ("ran" is an action verb). She is very smart ("is" shows state of being, or describes her).

Is the word 'protect' an action verb?

yes because protect shows action

Is replenish an adverb?

Replenish is not an adverb. It's a verb. A verb is a word that shows an action or state of being, or occurrence. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

What type of word indicates the action being done by for or to the antecedent?

What do you call a word that indicates the action is being done by for or to the antecedent?

Why is the word is a verb?

There are two kinds of verbs in English. One kind shows action: to run, to eat, to dance. But the other kind shows state of being-- and that means the various tenses of the verb "to be": is, are, am, was, were, will be. ("State of being" means it shows that something or someone exists: I am a professor. He is a doctor. They are Canadian.)

Is the word doubt is noun?

Yes, the word "doubt" can function as a noun. It refers to a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction about something.

A word that shows action is a?

A word that shows actions is Verb A verb is a doing word. Examples I went to the shop I played on my PS3 I sang to my teacher hllo

What is a word that shows an action?

A word that shows action is known as a verb. Verbs are the part of speech that let the listener know a certain action is taking place, has already happened, or will happen in the future.

What is the definition of a verb in a sentence?

A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence. It is an essential element that conveys the action of the subject or links the subject to further information in the sentence.

What type of word indicate the action is being done by for or to the antecedent?

What do you call a word that indicates the action is being done by for or to the antecedent?

How can you make a sentence with the word falling action?

The falling action is the part of a story that shows the effects of the climax and actions.

Define noun define verb?

A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. A verb is a word that describes an action, state, or occurrence.