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Q: What is a word to describe to judge the quality of a person or thing?
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What do you call it when you judge the quality of a person or thing?

Biased-when you judge a person depending on how they area without having actual facts or info. about them.

To judge the quality of a person or thing?


What is the difference from a trait and a characteristic?

A trait is a unique quality used to identify a person or animal.A characteristic is a quality used to describe a type of person or thing.

What is the importance of traits?

characteristic feature or quality of a person or thing

What is altribute?

altribute is a quality of features of a person or thing.

What are nouns that describe a trooper?

Sorry, Nouns do not describe. A noun is a person place or thing (or idea).

Do nouns describe stuff?

No, a noun is a person, place, or thing.

What is the definition of epithet?

An adjective expressing some quality, attribute, or relation, that is properly or specially appropriate to a person or thing; as, a just man; a verdant lawn., Term; expression; phrase., To describe by an epithet.

What does a judge do when a person hits another person with some thing?

The Judge brings in security and the security guards take away the person who attacked the other person. If that happens that every happens then the person who probably did it was guilty..... just guessing

What is a four letter word for judging a quality person or thing?

Cute :)

What nouns describe thunder?

Adjectives are used to describe other words. A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.

What are some nouns that describe cats?

Nouns do not describe. They name a person, place, or thing. Adjectives are words that describe nouns.Some adjectives for cats:cuddlyfluffylazyplayfulsillysly