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Q: What is a writing skill that assures that students write sentences that differ in structure and length?
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As I said before, students need to practice writing sentences.Students learn vocabulary and sentence structure as they write practice sentences.Children who write at home get lots of practice with constructing sentences as they write their stories.

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Why is Parallel structure is important in writing?

Makes the sentences easier for the reader to understand. -Apex.

Why is parallel structure important when writing?

It makes sentences easier for the reader to understand. -APEX

Which is an important reason to use parallel structure in writing?

it makes sentences easier for the reader to understand.

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Rules for determining the meaning of words and sentences?

Grammar is the proper term that provides rules when writing.. Grammar covers rules for word use, subject, predicate and general sentences structure/

One of many things you should pay attention to in your writing is the structure length and variety of your sentences This is called?


When writing you should aim for all of your sentences to follow the same sentence structure True False?

False. While it is generally considered a good idea to vary sentence structure in writing to keep the reader engaged, following the same structure for all sentences can also be used for stylistic purposes, such as emphasizing a point or creating a specific tone. Ultimately, it depends on the writer's intent and the overall flow of the writing.

Should you aim for all of your sentences to follow the same sentence structure?

It depends on what you are writing and the style in which you are writing. If you are doing technical writing or academic writing, then your style should be uniform throughout. Consistency and following conventions are the keys to success in those forms of writing. If you are writing fiction or prose for entertainment, then you will want to ensure that the structure of your sentences is grammatically correct, but you can vary the structures according to the impact you are trying to make. This is part of establishing your voice or style. Watch out for sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and sentences that don't have a consistent logic to them - these aren't appropriate no matter what you're writing. In a paragraph, all sentences should have a logical connection to each other and the subject of the paragraph. Please don't have sentence-paragraphs either; group sentences of a subject together. The answer to this question provides an example of good sentence and paragraph construction.