

What is a yellowlegs?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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A yellowlegs is either of two species of birds in the genus Tringa, which possess yellow legs.

The two species are commonly known as the greater yellowlegs and the lesser yellowlegs.

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9y ago
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THE TYPES OF ANIMALS THAT LIVE IN THE ESTUARY IS REEFS, CORAL REEFS, AND SPARTINA AND THE ANIMALS THAT LIVE IN ESTUARY AREBIRDS MAMMALS What_animals_live_in_an_estuary_environmentCREATURES FISH PLANTS INSECTS*Red-breasted Merganser*Black Brant*Common Goldeneye*Greater Yellowlegs*Dunlin*Balck-bellied Plover*Bald Eagle*Great-blue Heron*American Wigeon*Canada Goose*Peregrine Falcon*Western Sandpiper*Caspian TernRead more: What_animals_live_in_an_estuary_environment

What kinds of animals live in estuaries?

These animals include: *Red-breasted Merganser*Black Brant*Common Goldeneye*Greater Yellowlegs*Dunlin*Balck-bellied Plover*Bald Eagle*Great-blue Heron*American Wigeon*Canada Goose*Peregrine Falcon*Western Sandpiper*Caspian TernRiver Otter *Harbor Seal*Orange Striped Jellyfish*Scallop*Stalked Jellyfish*Opalescent Nudibranch*Hooded Nudibranch*Brooding Sea Anemone*Skeleton Shrimp*Sunflower Star*Blood Star*Bubble Shell*Dungeness Crab*Hermit Crab*Native Littleneck Clam*Bent-nosed Clam*Mud Shrimp*Purple Shore Crab*Lugworm*Chum Salmon*Chinook Salmon*Cutthroat Trout*Shiner Perch*Starry Flounder*Bay Pipefish*Pacific Sculpin*Eelgrass*Sea Lettuce*Pickleweed*Seaside Arrowgrass*Saltgrass*Tufted Hairgrass*Red Algae*Gumweed*Douglas Aster*Fathen Saltbrush*Damsel Fly*Green DarnerBIRDS MAMMALS SEA CREATURES FISH PLANTS INSECTS *Red-breasted Merganser *Black Brant*Common Goldeneye*Greater Yellowlegs*Dunlin*Balck-bellied Plover*Bald Eagle*Great-blue Heron*American Wigeon*Canada Goose*Peregrine Falcon*Western Sandpiper*Caspian TernRiver Otter *Harbor Seal*Orange Striped Jellyfish*Scallop*Stalked Jellyfish*Opalescent Nudibranch*Hooded Nudibranch*Brooding Sea Anemone*Skeleton Shrimp*Sunflower Star*Blood Star*Bubble Shell*Dungeness Crab*Hermit Crab*Native Littleneck Clam*Bent-nosed Clam*Mud Shrimp*Purple Shore Crab*Lugworm*Chum Salmon*Chinook Salmon*Cutthroat Trout*Shiner Perch*Starry Flounder*Bay Pipefish*Pacific Sculpin*Eelgrass*Sea Lettuce*Pickleweed*Seaside Arrowgrass*Saltgrass*Tufted Hairgrass*Red Algae*Gumweed*Douglas Aster*Fathen Saltbrush*Damsel Fly*Green Darner