

What is above a gram?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is above a gram?
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What would be the appearance of the gram positive bacterium if you forget to counterstain with safranin?

If you forget to counter stain color of Gram positive would be violet or blue . The above answer is good. Here is why the above answer is good. Yes it would still be Violet or blue. Gram positive bacteria are gram positive, because it holds onto the crystal violet stain that washes out of gram negative bacteria. Counterstaining with safranian turns gram negative bacteria pink to red only because the crystal violet has washed out of the gram negative. The lighter safranian has little to no effect on gram positive bacteria. The cause of the difference has to do with the makeup of the cell wall in the different bacteria.

How much is calcium per gram?

Calcium cost 1 pesos Mexican donkey Asian huh?do listen to the stupid Mexican above me. 5 grams of calcium cost $0.55

How much is 600 mg into cup?

600 mg is 0.6 of a gram. This is less than a gram. In a measuring cup, 600 mg would be just a little above the 0.5 gram marker, or about halfway reaching to 1 g, which is very little substance.

How many milliliters in a gram?

5 --------------------------------------------- The answer above is without sense. Gram is a unit of mass and millilitre is a unit of volume; they are not compatible. You need to know the density for the calculation of mass because: M = V x d .

How many calories are in one gram of fiber?

zero. Your body doesn't have the enzymes to digest fiber Some fibre is soluble and can be digested so this answer above is not correct. Carbs are normally 4 calories per gram but fibre as a carbohydrate is not completely digested by the body so estimate is 2 calories per gram.

How much gram equal to one gram?

One gram is equal to one gram.

Candida albicans gram positive or gram negative?

Gram positive !!

How a gram of gold and a gram of feather are equal in weight?

A gram is equal to another gram no matter what it is that weighs a gram.

2.500 round to the nearest gram?

We have 2.500 grams, which is equivalen to two and a hal gram. If we want to round it to the nearest gram, we must rounded to the whole part. According to the rounding rules of statistics, if the following number is 5 or above, then we round up. So, in this case is Therefore, the rounded number is 3 grams.

What are four possible results of a gram stain?

The four possible results after Gram staining are Gram positive, Gram negative, Gram variable and Gram in-determinant.

Are coliforms gram-positive or gram negative?

Gram negative

What is larger gram or centi gram?

A gram is larger. 1 gram = 100 centigrams