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I have to assume the question is for C#, not C, because C does not provide abstract class concept.

public abstract class A1 { public virtual void SayHi() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); }

public abstract void DoSomething();


The above abstract class A1 contains 1 virtual method and 1 abstract method. [Note that because of the abstract keyword for Dosomething(), A1 must be declared as abstract. An abstract class DOES NOT have to have any abstract methods!!)

The virtual function SayHi() provides a implementation, while the abstract function provides nothing but only the method signature( the name of the method, the return type, and method parameters and their data types). The derived class of A1 has the option to override SayHi() and must implement (or defer to subclasses of this derived class) the method DoSomething()

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Q: What is abrstac class and virctul function in c?
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