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Q: What is added to soil to increase nutrient levels?
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What can be done to increase the nutrient int he soil?

to increase the soil nutrient is to get fertilizer and put it in the soil to get fertilizer you could get it from many stores like the home depot or lowe.

What does the color of land indicates?

The color of the soil usually indicates the type of minerals and levels of nutrient in the soil.

Why do farmers add limestone to soil?

Chalk is sometimes added to soil to raise the pH of acidic soils. Calcium, the primary component of chalk, is also an important secondary nutrient for healthy crop growth.

Which fertilizer are mainly used by farmer?

Any combination fertilizer which comprises of a mix of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (or N, P, and K). What levels of each nutrient a farmer uses depends on what he needs in his soil to grow his crops. Lime or gypsum may also need to be added to increase the pH of the soil if it is too acidic.

Why are manures and fertilizers added to the soil by farmers?

To increase the fertility of the soil .

How can compost and plant soil be compared?

Air, moisture and nutrient content are ways to compare compost and soil. Soil can be nutrient- and water-deficient in the case of sand and nutrient- and water-retentive in terms of clay and loam. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost may be added to correct air, moisture and nutrient deficiencies or excesses through amending, fertilizing or mulching actions.

Which nutrient do organisms tend to get from their local ecosystem?

The nutrient that organisms get from their local ecosystem is phosphorous. Organisms also get nitrogen from the air and it can also be added to the soil.

What is the impact of chemical fertilizers and pesticides?

Declining diversity, dependent growth, depleted soil fertility, nutrient build-up and polluted nutrient runoff are impacts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.Specifically, chemical fertilizers focus on the three macronutrients at the expense of the total nutrient picture for healthy plants and soils. They leave the soil less fertile and more occupied by nutrient build-up that is in inaccessible forms at too high levels. Additionally, they may harm soil structure so that particles do not clump together well or that air and moisture levels are harmed. Problems with air, moisture and nutrient levels often lead to polluted nutrient runoff into area water bodies during rain events.

How does temperature affect pH levels in soil?

This is quite simple. Temperature affects the pH levels in soil because of the heat. Depending on the intensity, the pH level in the soil will either increase or decrease to balance.

How is one soil different from another soil?

There are a lot of differences but the main few are how acidic they are (different plants grow better with different acid levels) how nutrient rich soil is, and how it will retain water and how quickly it will erode

What is the difference between humus and soil?

Humus is a very rich, composted material, such as manure, leaves, kitchen scraps, etc. It is added to soil to increase the nutrient content of the soil as well as improve the makeup of the soil (sand, loam or clay) it is too rich for direct planting of most plants though.

What other way plants can grow with out soil?

Plants can be grown by a system called hydroponics, where they are grown in a nutrient rich liquid (ie water with fertilizer added); instead of soil.