

What is advantageous about composting in bins?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Contained resources, controlled inputs, convenient mobility, deterred pests, and tidy appearances are what is advantageous about composting in bins. For example, breaking down carbon- and nitrogen-rich compostable materials within a bin confers upon the compost-seeking gardener the knowledge of adding to -- not detracting from -- property beauty, the option of moving the vehicle in and out of a garage or shed if the spirit so moves, and the security of clustering resources in one pest- and weather-proof container.

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Where is it possible to read reviews about composting bins?

Reviews on composting bins can often be found on the site that is selling the product. Composting bins are available to purchase on sites like Amazon and Tesco and the websites itself have a section where people can read reviews about the product.

Are there any compost bins in Malaysia?

Kitchen counter composting units can be found in Metrojaya (household department). Composting bins complete with wormery are sold by Hijau Kembali.

Where can I buy composting bins online?

Composting bins exist all over the webb for online shopping. I would say that it depends on you, what you are willing to pay and so forth. Amazon and ebay are two places that provides composting bins at a small price. But for the pioky one, i would try som sites like

Can you keep composting bins in the house or do they have to be stored outside?

You can keep composting bins inside, however, it's not recommended. They attract bugs, bacteria, and often mice. Also the rotting organic matter will smell bad. It's highly recommended that they be stored outside.

Are composting bins any good for my garden?

Composting bins can be purchased from home stores such as Homebase, B&Q and Argos in store and online although they usually have better selections online. Retailers such as Amazon and eBay have an extensive range of compost bins in a variety of material, sizes and prices. Most local garden centers also stock a range of compost bins although again, they usually have a limited selection.

Does Home Depot sell composting bins?

Home Depot has a limited selection of compost bins, most of which are not available in stores. You can find a better supply at Sears or your local Ace Hardware Super Store.

How do I make my own composting bins?

It's fairly easy to put together a composting bin. There are a lot of designs, depending on your goals and the extent of your composting efforts. Check out these sites for plans and instructions: AND

Why must there be bins in an allotment?

Composting, recycling, and trashing are reasons for why there must be bins in an allotment. The numbers and the rationale depend upon the locality and the season. But many places must meet local requirements limiting uncensored flows of debris to landfills.

Why are most compost bins plastic?

Aeration and convenience are reasons why many compost bins are plastic. Plastic bins facilitate the aeration that composting requires to break carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables down into dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter called compost or humus. They tend to be easier to make and to move.

How often are you supposed to turn over the contents of your composting bins?

You should turn over the contents of your compost bin once a week. This prevents compacting, and allows material to move from the outside in.

Which direction does compost always lean?

Away from neighbors and in accordance with airflow are the directions toward which composting sites always lean. Composting must not be done where the activities and smells may disturb neighbors. It requires location within the direction of airflow since aerobic composting in bins, containers, heaps, or piles depends upon proper air, heat, light, and moisture for quality end-products.

Where should people place compost bins?

Compost bins should be sited off to the side of the garden, in a flat area. A shady spot or partial shade is better than full sun. Consider the prevailing winds and proximity to living areas--both yours, and your neighbors--when siting a composting area. Avoid siting bins upwind of living areas, in case odor issues arise.