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Q: What is after mitosis each identical daughter Cell has a complete set of?
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What dose each identical daughter cell have complete after mitosis?

After mitosis followed by cytokinesis, the two identical daughter cells have a complete and identical set of chromosomes, which are the same as the parent cell.

When mitosis is complete how many daughter cell are there?

When mitosis is complete two diploid daughter cells are formed.

When mitosis is almost complete?

When mitosis is almost complete, it is almost time for the cell to go through cytokinesis. This is where a cell divides into two identical daughter cells.

Is identical diploid daughter cells mitosis?

mitosis ends with 2 identical daughter cells and meiosis ends with 4 non-identical sister chromatids.

If you compare the parent cell to the daughter in mitosis what can be said about their chromosomes?

the daughter cells' chromosomes are a identical to the parent cell. they each have a complete set

Which best describes the daughter cells produced by mitosis?

The daughter cells produced by mitosis and cytokinesis are genetically identical.

What are Identical daughter cells created through?

Identical daughter cells are created through the process of mitosis, which involves the division of a parent cell into two genetically identical daughter cells. During mitosis, the chromosomes are duplicated and then segregated equally into the two daughter cells.

What is the ratio of DNA in a daughter cell after mitosis?

The ratio of DNA in a daughter cell after mitosis is 2:1. Mitosis produces two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell.

What does cell does mitosis produce?

Mitosis produce somatic cells,In the sense that it produces cells in the body. However, mitosis does not complete the cell multiplying process. It is the second stage.

What process produces daughter cells that are genetically identical to there parent cells?

This process is called cell division or mitosis.

How do the cells in mitosis compare to the original cell?

after mitosis the daughter cells are exactly identical to the original cell

How many daughter cell are produced from a single mother cell in mitosis?

Mitosis produces two identical daughter cells from a single original cell.