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Both Pizarro and Cortes were Spanish conquistadors who led successful expeditions in the Americas. They conquered the Aztec Empire under Cortes and the Inca Empire under Pizarro, bringing vast territories under Spanish control. Their conquests resulted in the downfall of powerful indigenous empires and the establishment of Spanish colonial rule in the Americas.

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Q: What is all true of the conquests of Pizarro and Cortes?
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How did Francisco Pizarro affect the Incas empire?

Francisco Pizarro wanted to conquer the Incas and take all of their gold and silver.

Who discovered the Incas?

The Incas were discovered by Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro in 1532. Pizarro's expedition resulted in the downfall of the Inca Empire and the eventual colonization of the region by the Spanish.

Why did Pizarro want to find the Inca civilization?

Pizarro sought to find the Inca civilization in order to conquer and exploit their wealth, resources, and territory for the benefit of the Spanish Empire. He was driven by the desire for power, wealth, and glory that came with expanding Spanish influence in the New World.

What was the preservation of culture of the people franciso Pizarro encountered?

The preservation of culture among the people encountered by Francisco Pizarro was limited due to the significant impact of Spanish colonization. Many aspects of indigenous cultures were suppressed or destroyed as the Spanish imposed their own beliefs, language, and customs on the native populations. The forced conversion to Christianity, exploitation of resources, and introduction of European diseases all contributed to the decline of traditional cultures in the region.

What were all of the rewards and riches Vasco Nunez De Balboa have?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa was rewarded with the title of "Adelantado of the South Sea" and appointed governor of Darien by the Spanish crown. He also received an encomienda, which was a grant of indigenous labor and tribute rights in Panama. Additionally, he gained personal wealth from his expeditions and conquests in Central and South America.

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Who were Francisco Pizarro and Hernan Cortes?

Cortes & Pizarro were the Spanish conquistadors. Cortez: in 1519 conquered the Aztec empire and left it in ruins and were the first Europeans to find the Mayan ruins. Pizarro: encouraged by Cortez's success conquered the Incas empire with a small army in 1531. took them one year. Note: a reason why both lost easily is because of plague witch killed millions; and the Inca empire had rececently drained all military force in a civil war

Did Pizarro have any kids?

Francisco Pizarro had one child, Francesca Pizarro Yupanqui.

1. Pizarro 2. Cortes 3. De Soto 4. Balboa Wich of these spanish explorers saw the most land in what would become the us?

I think you left one out and that was Coronado who went all the way to the Grand Canyon so he is my pick on this question. While De Soto only got as far as the Mississippi river ( he would be second). Pizarro was mainly South America and Balboa was in Panama, but didn't get any higher into the Americas and Cortes took the Aztec empire in Mexico.

What were all of francisco Pizarro's jobs?

his dick!!!!!!!!

Did Pizarro accomplish all of his journeys?

i think he did

Where did Francisco Pizarro sail from?

all around the world!

Why did Francisco Pizarro take over the Inca empire?

Pizarro first entered because he was seeking/trying to find gold.

Did Pizarro want gold god or glory?

All three.

Was francisco coronadosuccessful?

Pizarro was a Spanish explorer. Most people think the conquistadors were great amazing people saving the day, but that is not true at all, in fact, most of them were poor peasants and soldiers looking for a better life. They just happened to luck out. Pizarro was son of Gonzalo Pizarro, who had him out of wedlock. He was born somewhere between 1471-1476, and died on June 26, 1541. He was the second cousin once removed of Hernan Cortes, destroyer of the Aztec Empire. Pizarro wanted to mark his own name in history as well. In 1513, Pizarro arrived at the isthmus of Panama, becoming the first European to see the Pacific Coast of the new world. He was made Mayor of Panama City. Years later, Pizarro made an alliance with priest Hernando de Luque, and soldier Diego de Alamagro. He had heard stories of El Dorado, a city of pure gold. After several excursions and battles, Fransisco Pizarro finally conquered the Incas in 1532. After a dispute over jurisdiction, Diego de Alamagro was executed in 1538, and his son, Alamagro II, was left with nothing. Three years later, Diego de Alamagro II led an attack on Pizarro's palace at Lima and took his place as Governor of New Castle. During his lifetime, Pizarro did many notable things such as founding Lima and defeating the Incan empire. Pizarro was the infamous conquistador that is said to have had the king of the Inca Civilization murdered in 1533.

Why did Cortes destroy all his ships but one at veracruz?

Cortes did not want any possible chance of retreat in ship from his soldiers

Who was franciso Pizarro?

Pizarro was a Spanish explorer. Most people think the conquistadors were great amazing people saving the day, but that is not true at all, in fact, most of them were poor peasants and soldiers looking for a better life. They just happened to luck out. Pizarro was son of Gonzalo Pizarro, who had him out of wedlock. He was born somewhere between 1471-1476, and died on June 26, 1541. He was the second cousin once removed of Hernan Cortes, destroyer of the Aztec Empire. Pizarro wanted to mark his own name in history as well. In 1513, Pizarro arrived at the isthmus of Panama, becoming the first European to see the Pacific Coast of the new world. He was made Mayor of Panama City. Years later, Pizarro made an alliance with priest Hernando de Luque, and soldier Diego de Alamagro. He had heard stories of El Dorado, a city of pure gold. After several excursions and battles, Fransisco Pizarro finally conquered the Incas in 1532. After a dispute over jurisdiction, Diego de Alamagro was executed in 1538, and his son, Alamagro II, was left with nothing. Three years later, Diego de Alamagro II led an attack on Pizarro's palace at Lima and took his place as Governor of New Castle. During his lifetime, Pizarro did many notable things such as founding Lima and defeating the Incan empire. Pizarro was the infamous conquistador that is said to have had the king of the Inca Civilization murdered in 1533.

How did Hernan Cortes defeat Moctezuma?

His name is Montezumea, and Cortes defeated Montezuma because Montezuma thought he was a god returning from exile. Montezuma welcomed Cortes, and in turn Cortes waged war and eventuslly killed Montezuma after getting all the gold he wanted.