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Pharaoh, 7 letters only.

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Q: What is an 8 letter word for ancient Egyptian ruler ending in h?
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What is an Ancient Egyptian ruler?

One ruler was Pharaoh Siamun (Pharaoh being the title).

How do you spell pharoph?

The title of an ancient Egyptian ruler is spelled "pharaoh".

Which ancient Egyptian deity was considered God of the Earth and first ruler of Egypt and husband of Nut?

The ancient Egyptian deity that was considered the God of the Earth and first ruler of Egypt and husband of Nut is Geb.

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What is the title given to an Egyptian ruler?

In Ancient Egypt, it was PHARAOH. In Modern Egypt, it is PRESIDENT.

Was Zeus a part of ancient Egyptian religion?

Zeus was the King of the Gods in Greek mythology, not Egyptian. The Egyptian ruler god was arguably the Sun God, Ra.

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The ancient Egyptian ruler was considered to be a living god, so naturally he outranked the priesthood and everyone else.

Was there a younger ancient egyptian ruler then king tutankhamun?

No, he was th youngest at the age of 17-19.

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An ancient Egyptian queen is a female ruler of the country.

The god of rebirth and ruler of the dead in ancient Egypt was named?

The Egyptian god of rebirth is the god Khepri. The ruler of the Underworld and the afterlife is the god Osiris.

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Narmer was the ruler of upper Egypt.

Was Cleopatra Roman?

No, Cleopatra was a Greek ruler of ancient Egypt. Although of Greek lineage, she followed the Egyptian religion and culture and considered herself Egyptian.