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The ancient Egyptian ruler was considered to be a living god, so naturally he outranked the priesthood and everyone else.

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Q: Why are Egyptian priests under pharaohs in the Egyptian ranking?
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What rights did ancient Egyptian people have?

People living under the Pharaohs basically had no rights as we know them. The rulers were absolute rulers.

Why was Egypt vulnerable to foreign invaders?

one reason was the struggle between the priests and the pharaohs. Another was the pharaohs' attempt to keep neighboring countries under Egyptian control. Much energy and money was spent on war.

How was ancient Egyptian government organized?

The god was at the top then the pharaoh was under the god then the kings under them were the law enforcement under them were the scribes and under them were the citizens and finally the slaves.

What is the double crown?

The double crown is the crown that ancient Egyptian Pharaohs wore after lower (Northern) and upper (Southern) Egypt were united under one ruler.

What was pharaohs berried under?

Under the pyramids

What role did relegion play on the lives of common people and the pharaohs?

Well, at first, the Egyptian religion said that only pharaohs could be mummified and therefore enter that part of the afterlife. It also made the common people more subservient to the pharaohs under the idea that they ruled by divine right. All in all, it screwed over the commoners.

Did ancient Egypt promote political rights?

During the reign of ancient Egypt's pharaohs, political and economical activities were under the rule of these dynasty pharaohs. The pharaoh would consult with his priests on religious matters, however, the non royal classes of people in ancient Egypt had no political rights.

Who were Plato's Egyptian mentors?

Plato's Egyptian mentors are said to be the priests at the temple of Diospolis in Egypt, where he is believed to have studied various subjects, including mathematics, philosophy, and mythology. These priests are thought to have influenced his philosophical ideas, particularly on the concept of the afterlife and immortality of the soul.

What gave pharaohs the right to rule?

The Egyptian pharaoh rule and derive their authority from god and were considered divine. From the chapter I of "The West" under "The kings and the gods in the old kingdom".

What were the pharaohs buried?

The Pharaoh was buried under or in there pyramid or in there tomb.

Pharaohs were buried under these mounds of sand before?


What did the pharaohs build instead of pyramid?

under ground chambers