

What is an Alert in JavaScript?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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12y ago

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A JavaScript Alert, called by using the alert(msg); function, creates a dialog window in front of the browser that displays some sort of message (msg) and an OK button. The user much click the OK button in order to do anything else on that page.


alert("Hello World!"); //simply an alert msg with ok button

confirm("Are you sure you want to quit?"); // it is a confirmation box with ok and cancel button

prompt("Enter Your name."); //this one will let you enter something in a box.

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JavaScript code looks like this:function sayhi(name) {alert("Hey there, "+name);}sayhi("joe");

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Personally, I recommend you begin with 'alert' boxes and 'prompt' boxes, then move your way up to variables, until eventually you understand functions, arrays, etc. Then you will be able to create JavaScript masterpieces. You may also want to learn php once you've mastered JavaScript. Simple alert example: Lesson 1: alert boxes alert("This is an alert dialog box."); Body text. Have fun!

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many, tell me which one you need and i will give you it,

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function callMe (fx_params) { alert(fx_params); } callMe('Alert Loaded from a JavaScript function'); This would be in a javascript page, or in a JS Script tag.. - Caleb Convina Web Design and Hosting

Where can one find information on implementing a Javascript alert?

You could open a new window instead and set it to a certain size using You would have to program a button that closes the window but that is quite easy. You could also insert lots of new lines with '\n' in the alert text, but there's no way to change the width.

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<table> <th onclick="checkData()">ID</th> <th onclick="checkData()">Name</th> </table> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function checkData() { // Your Javascript code here alert("It Works"); } </script>

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we can do this using of javascript. you can use this following code: <input type=button value="button" onClick=onclick_function()> here onclick_function() is a function which is called by javascript on clicking the button. javascript code is as follows: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // your code for onclick_function() function onclick_function(){ alert("Welcome to javascript"); } </script>