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Q: What is an Estate granted to a vassal is called?
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What is a piece of land given to a vassal?

A piece of land granted to a vassal in exchange for oaths of loyalty and support is called a fief. The ceremony at which this was done was called commendation.

Is a fief is the troops of knights granted to the vassal?

It is true that a fief is the troops of knight that was granted to the vassal.

A peasant who is bound to the land is a fief?

A peasant who is bound to land is a serf, while a fief is an estate granted to a vassal.

What is the name for a powerful lord who was granted land by a king?

A vassal.

Subinfeudation is a layering of responsibility?

Subinfeudation may be looked at as a layering of responsibility. Subinfeudation was when a vassal would sublease a portion of his lord's estate to another man who then became his vassal.

How is a vassal different from a serf?

A vassal was a person in a state of mutual obligation with a king, which usually gave the vassal an estate, including manors. A serf was a person in a state of mutual obligation with the lord of a manor. As such the serf was possibly a person who worked on the estate of a vassal. Please see the links below.

If someone is granted a life estate and they remarry how will this affect the life estate?

When someone with a life estate remarries, it can complicate the ownership rights and future disposition of the property. The new spouse may have certain rights or claims on the property depending on the laws of the jurisdiction. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional to understand how the remarriage may impact the life estate.

What was the difference between a knight and a vassal?

The knights were originally the heavy cavalry. The word knight came to be a title, usually given by a monarch, and was regarded as the lowest level of the nobility. A vassal was a person who had a relationship of mutual obligation with a lord. The vassal sword loyalty and obedience, and the lord granted land and protection in exchange. A vassal could be a knight, and a knight could be a vassal, but there was nothing saying they had to be.

A vassal was given the rights to control the fief and to have ownership of it?

This is called an investiture. Investitures were common in the 11th and 12th centuries. The land the vassal was given is called a fief.

Why did vassals protect their lords?

Vassals were people who had entered into a feudal contract with their lords. As part of the feudal contract, each was required to protect the other. Usually, this meant the vassal gave military support to the lord, but the lord was obliged to support the vassal in the event that the vassal was attacked. In exchange for military support, the vassal got a fiefdom or land grant, which was an estate from which he could get an income.

In exchange for land a knight agrees to be a sub vassal to a vassal. this agreement was known as?

The agreement you are referring to is called "subinfeudation."

How feudalism worked.?

First, a noble would hand a bit of land called a fief to one of his most trusted being called a vassals in exchange for protection like a knight. The vassal must swear and oath that he will be loyal to his noble. A noble who gives a fief to a knight is called a lord. This vassal may hand a bit of land to another vassal, who we'll call vassal B and he shall swear an oath and so on. So one can be a lord and vassal.