

What is an Isurus oxyrinchus?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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A Shortfin Mako shark, cousin to the Great White, and also referred to as a number of other things: mako, paloma, bonito, shortfin, short-finned mako, blue pointer, mackerel shark, spriglio.

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Q: What is an Isurus oxyrinchus?
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How do you spell makco shark?

The type of shark is a mako shark (longfin Isurus oxyrinchus or shortfin Isurus paucus).

How many different types of mako sharks are there?

Two. The longfin mako, Isurus Paucus, and the shortfin mako, Isurus Oxyrinchus.

What is the scientific name of the short fin mako?

The Shortfin Mako's Binomial nomenclature is Isurus oxyrinchus.

What is the scientific name for a mako shark?

the real name for a mako shark depends on what type it could be longfin (isurus pausus),or the more commen shortfin (isurus oxyrinchus).or it could be one of the extinct types,if u want to know them,google it

What are the scientific naes of the sharks from finding nemo?

Bruce: Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Anchor: Hammerhead shark (Sphyrnidae) Chum: Mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)

What is the mako sharks favorite meal?

If you ask for THE favorite meal of a Mako, I would guess tuna is in the top of the menu. Specially with mayonnaise.Please note there are several species of Mako Sharks, the shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) and the longfin mako shark (Isurus paucus).Both species are VERY fast swimers (the more common shortfin is one of the fastest fishes in the oceans), and they do not have we can call a gourmet style at the table...They eat everything from the menu - including the menu itself - cephalopods, mackerels, swordfish, other sharks, porpoises, sea turtles, and seabirds.

What is faster a Mako Shark or a cheetah?

Yes, the Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) is the fastest shark in the world. Though everyone had come to a general consensus about this, there is still debate as to how fast they can actually go - some say that they can only go a little over 20mph, however others say that it has been clocked at 60mph.

What genus is whale shark in?

Scientific classification is important in Science. However remembering all the classifications is hard. Isurus is the genus in which sharks belong.

What are some scientific names for sharks?

To list all 450 species of sharks would be ridiculous, so I'll list some of my favorites. Common Thresher Shark (Alopias vulpinus) Gray Reef Shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) Bull Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) Oceanic Whitetip Shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) Caribbean Reef Shark (Carcharhinus perezii) Gray Sand Tiger (Carcharias taurus) Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) Pacific Frilled Shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) Common Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) Common Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) Atlantic Cookiecutter Shark (Isistius brasiliensis) Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) Megamouth Shark (Megachasma pelagios) Goblin Shark (Mitsukurina owstoni) Common Lemon Shark (Negaprion brevirostris) Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus) Greenland Shark (Somniosus microcephalus) Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokkaran) Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) Whitetip Reef Shark (Triaenodon obesus) Leopard Shark (Triakis semifasciatus)

Are there sharks in the Southern ocean?

Yes,most sharks like warm water. there are a few types such as Carcharhinus altimus Bignose shark > Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos Gray reef shark > Carcharhinus brevipinna Spinner shark > Carcharhinus falciformis Silky shark > Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip shark > Carcharhinus longimanus Oceanic whitetip shark > Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark > Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark > Carcharhinus signatus Night shark > Carcharodon carcharias Great white shark > Galeocerdo cuvier Tiger shark > Hexanchus griseus Bluntnose sixgill shark > Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin Mako > Isurus paucus Longfin mako > Prionace glauca Blue shark > Rhincodon typus Whale shark > Sphyrna lewini Scalloped hammerhead > Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead > Euprotomicroides zantedeschia Taillight shark > Heteroscymnoides marleyi Longnose pygmy shark > Pseudocarcharias kamoharai Crocodile shark > Pseudocarcharias kamoharai Crocodile shark > Scymnodalatias sherwoodi Sherwood dogfish > Scymnodon obscurus Smallmouth velvet dogfish > Squaliolus laticaudus Spined pygmy shark > Alopias superciliosus Bigeye thresher > Alopias vulpinus Thresher shark > Paragaleus pectoralis Atlantic weasel shark > Alopias pelagicus Pelagic thresher > Carcharhinus albimarginatus Silvertip shark > Mustelus mento Speckled smooth-hound > Sphyrna couardi Whitefin hammerhead > Carcharhinus brachyurus Copper shark > Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides Graceful shark > Carcharhinus cautus Nervous shark > Carcharhinus fitzroyensis Creek whaler > Carcharhinus wheeleri Blacktail reef shark > Lamna ditropis Salmon shark > Scymnodalatias albicauda Whitetail dogfish > Mustelus lunulatus Sicklefin smooth-hound

How many types of shark are there at Shark Bay?

There are 34 known species of sharks in Shark Bay, which lies off the northwest coast of Western Australia. They are:Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) - Shark Bay has one of the world's largest populations of tiger sharks.Western wobbegong (Orectolobus hutchinsi)Spotted wobbegong (Orectolobus maculatus)Banded wobbegong (Orectolobus halei)Grey carpet shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum)Epaulette shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum)Zebra shark (Stegastoma fasciatum)Whale shark (Rhincodon typus)Grey nurse shark (Carcharias taurus)White shark (Carcharodon carcharias)Shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)Whiskery shark (Furgaleus macki)Pencil shark (Hypogaleus hyugaensis)Weasel shark (Hemigaleus microstoma)Fossil shark (Hemipristis elongata)Spinner shark (Carcharhinus brevipinna)Nervous shark (Carcharhinus cautus)Whitecheek shark (Carcharhinus dussumieri)Bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas)Blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)Sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus)Lemon shark (Negaprion acutidens)Milk shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus)Whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus)Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)Great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)Smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)Creek whaler (Carcharhinus fitzroyensis)Tawny nurse shark (Nebrius ferrugineus)Common blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus)Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos)Pigeye shark (Carcharhinus amboinensis)Silvertip shark (Carcharhinus albimarginatus)

What is the second fastest fish in the world?

The sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) is considered among the fastest, as individuals have been clocked at speeds of up to 110 kph (68 mph). Some estimates have been made of the black marlin (Makaira indica) moving at speeds up to 130 kph (80 mph). As these were based on line-taking speed, however, they may have been affected by boat speed or currents.The metropolitan sailfish is the fastest, and can reach speeds up to 60 mph!yes